Former Mafia hit man Tony Legrasso is found dead in Central Park with six bullets in his chest. He had been living in Montana as part of the federal witness protection program. Mob boss Alberto Napoli is accused of ordering the hit on him, but his defense claims a stroke has left him incompetent to stand trial.
!!Tropes present in this episode
* BatmanGambit: Skoda is doing a psych evaluation of Alberto Napoli. Suspecting Napoli is competent, Skoda starts making fun of him, by talking about how this great old gangster is now reduced to crapping in a diaper. This trash-talking enrages Napoli's grandson, who is also in the room, and the very large grandson interposed himself between his grandfather and Skoda. The latter notices that the "mentally incompetent" mafioso was aware enough to move away from harm.
* INeverSaidItWasPoison: Variant. Concerned that [=DeMaio=] is lying about killing Legrasso, [=McCoy=] mentions a bruise on Legrasso's head. [=DeMaio=] mentions that he kicked Legrasso in the head after the latter went down. However, [=McCoy=] is aware that no such bruise existed, meaning that [=DeMaio=] actually did not kill Legrasso.
* MinionWithAnFInEvil: Johnny [=DeMaio=] is clearly a wannabe mobster. He not only lacks the requisite talent to be one, but only tries to be one by taking credit for Legrasso's murder. In fact, the daughter of one of Napoli's victims killed Legrasso, and said daughter, Vicky Grant, notes that [=DeMaio=] was still waiting for her to finish her errands, completely unaware that Grant had killed Legrasso just moments ago.
* ObfuscatingInsanity: Al Napoli said previously that if he's ever arrested, he'll use this method to avoid prosecution. He actually made an attempt to do this
* TheReasonYouSuckSpeech: Vicky Grant, the woman who killed the hitman, gives a short but sweet one about the Mafia to the court and to the audience for romanticizing them. She also makes it very clear how petty and cruel the Mafia really are and how much of a Dirty Coward the hitman was. They had Vicki's father brutally murdered just so they could take his sporting goods business over as a get-out-of-prison gift for one of their relatives.
-->'''Vicky Grant''': These wiseguys. They are psychos, and losers, and everybody loves them, and I don't get it.