Featuring a [[RetroactiveRecognition very young Ryan Phillipe]] in the guest role, "Gift of the Wheelman" also saw the introduction of Fraser Sr.'s ghost.

Ray and Fraser arrive too late to stop a bank robbery in process, but they do apprehend a young man, Del, the only person to get a clear look at one of the robbers.
* AmbiguousSituation: Is Benton Fraser being followed around by his father's ghost? Is it a figment of Benton's imagination? [[DyingDream Is it a figment of Bob's imagination?]] Even Bob Fraser admits to being entirely clueless about the situation.
* BadSanta: Bank robbers disguised as Santa Claus.
* BatmanGambit: Will Porter waits until the bagman will be behind the counter, then pulls the fire alarm to spook the others into making their getaway. In the ensuing confusion, he shouts at the bagman to toss him the money, and throws him an empty shotgun in exchange.
* ChristmasEpisode: The episode is set around the holiday, with Santa Claus costumes playing a major role.
* DeadManWriting: Bob Fraser's journals once again. With the added twist of Bob leaning over Benton's shoulder to give commentary on his own writings.
* ElvishPresley: A bunch of Elvis impersonators get arrested. "I said ''Elves'', you morons!"
* FauxAffablyEvil: The Donnelly Brothers
* ForWantOfANail: Discussed, in that Will Porter claims that he never would've gotten involved in the bank robbery if he just had three more dollars in his bank account, allowing him to buy his son a Christmas gift without the cashier denying his card and preventing him from having the realization that drove his actual actions.
* IronicEcho: Both Fraser and Ray repeat a few lines of dialogue at each other, first when Fraser encounters his deceased father, followed by when Ray encounters his ''own'' deceased father. "Anything happen?" "In what sense?"
* ItWorksBetterWithBullets: Ray is saved because Will gave the bagman an empty gun.
* KillItWithFire: Will's plan is to lure the Donnellys into a trap, then kill everyone involved via a flaming rag and a bunch of flammable liquids.
* OhCrap: Ray's face when the bagman pulls a shotgun on him.
* ParentsAsPeople: Will Porter's motivation for getting involved in the robbery is that his minimum-wage job prevents him from buying his son a Christmas present, and the realization that if anything happened to him, he has nothing of worth to leave behind. Benton Fraser manages to talk him down from his TakingYouWithMe gambit by stating he still has one thing of value left to give his son: a good example to follow.
* TheScrooge: Ray, rather than actually shop for gifts, opens checking accounts at various banks in return for the complimentary gifts (toasters, etc.) that they offer as incentives.
* SpiritAdvisor:
** Bob Fraser makes his first post-mortem appearance in this episode. Feeling that he was a failure as a father, he intends to spend his afterlife following his son around and offering him support and advice. [[UnwantedAssistance Whether Fraser wants it or not.]] Nobody except Fraser can see him, and he quickly decides to explain the situation to Ray, who takes it in stride.
** Ray's father also manifests to Ray, although his advice is far more judgmental than Fraser's.
* TakingYouWithMe: Will Porter intends to kill the Donnelly Brothers via a massive firebomb using himself as the bait for the trap. [[PragmaticVillainy He has no grudge against the cops, and offers to let Fraser and Ray walk off unharmed if they don't interfere.]]
* WindowLove: Del and Will at the very end of the episode.
* YouHaveFailedMe: The bagman is killed for tossing the money to Will.