->I had my face enameled, I had my hair made straight.\\
I dressed up like a white man, and cert'nly did look great.\\
Then started out to see her, just shortly after dark,\\
But on the way to meet my babe I had to cross a park;\\
Just as I was a-thinking I had things fixed up right,\\
I passed a tree where two doves sat [[HaveAGayOldTime making love]] at night;\\
They stopped and looked me over, I saw my finish soon.\\
When both those birds said good and loud,\\
-->-- 1901 hit song "[[https://web.archive.org/web/20180924062318/http://pdmusic.org:80/1900s/00ccc.txt Coon! Coon! Coon!]]" by Gene Jefferson and Leo Friedman