
[[folder: Video Games ]]

->"Two years... Finally, I've made it to the warmth of lava world with a belly full of water!"
-->-- '''Gobi''', ''VideoGame/BanjoTooie''

->''Among the deepest of our mining sites, the Magma Caves are a mellow 250-400 degrees and helpfully lit by the churning, molten innards of the planet. We advise that you do not touch anything not mandated by the mission objectives, as your employee insurance does not cover burns.''
-->-- '''Magma Core description''', ''VideoGame/DeepRockGalactic''

->''"Bloody lava lake, I'm looking forward to the snow and ice again after that sauna."''
-->--'''Epona Rhi''', ''VideoGame/{{MechWarrior}} 3''

->''"Lava. As original as [[ShiftingSandLand sand,]] [[SlippySlideyIceWorld snow,]] [[UnderTheSea water]] and [[JungleJapes jungle.]] That is – NOT ORIGINAL AT ALL."''
-->--'''Comic Book Guy''', ''VideoGame/TheSimpsonsGame''.


[[folder: Western Animation ]]

->''"Nothing below me but boiling lava..."''
-->--'''Luigi''', ''WesternAnimation/SuperMarioWorld1991''


[[folder: Other ]]

->'' "Never Should Have moved to Lethal Lava Land. Nothing to fucking do around here. God."''
-->-- '''[[https://www.tumblr.com/piendish/692224085947777024/never-should-have-moved-to-lethal-lava-land Piendish]]''' on {{Website/Tumblr}}
