-->"You wanna bring back someone you lost, ya might want money, maybe you want women, or you might wanna protect the world. These are all common things people want, things that their hearts desire, {{Greed}} may [[DarkIsNotEvil not be good, but its not so bad]] either. You humans think {{Greed}} is just for money and power, when everyone wants something they don't have."

-->"[[TheDeadHaveNames Never forget the people you kill, because they will never forget you.]]"
-->--''' Solf J. Kimblee '''

--> "There's something comforting facing death like this, wouldn't you agree? It's all that matters, nothing else seems to exist outside my pure instinct to survive. Rank, personal history, birth, race, sex, the name given to you; it's all meaningless, this is the only thing that's real, to fight on behalf of my own life and nothing else. I've never felt so complete, I guess you could say I've finally arrived."
-->-- '''Wrath, better known as [[spoiler: King Bradley]]'''

--> "The years that pass between the moment of birth and the moment of death are the true materials that construct a human being. Time must accumulate to create a genuine and robust self. But the person is only complete in their final moment."
-->-- '''Narrator, Episode 53'''

! Edward (in response [[RunningGag to the implication]] [[BerserkButton he's short]]):

-->"Don't call me small! I'll break down your feet and stick 'em on your head!"

-->"'Shorty'?! Could a shorty do this?! What else you wanna call me?! A half-pint beansprout midget?! I'm still growing, you backwater desert idiots!"

-->"Who're you callin' a mousy little pipsqueek?!"

-->"Who are you calling a pipsqueek midget?!"

-->"Who are you calling so short that he drowned when he stepped in the creek?!"

-->"Who are you calling so short you want to squish him like an ant?!"

-->"Who's so small that when they go out in public they have to wear a bright red coat just to be seen by everybody else?!"

-->"Who's a midget so tiny that when you take him to see a flea circus you have to put a leash on him to make sure you don't mix him up with the fleas, you jerk?!"

-->"Who's a micro-midget so small that his pocket watch doesn't fit into his pocket?!.... I fit into the pocket watch?!"

-->"Who are you calling an atomic shrimp so microscopic that even fleas crack on about his height?!"

-->"Who's so tiny that you find it hard to hit him on the head with your wrench as his head's so tiny you can't find it, Winry?!"

-->"Who's of such a small stature that if he ever put the hood of his red coat up on his head he'd resemble a chigger?!"

-->"Who's so small that if he steps foot in a nursery they'll say he's too small to be enrolled there?!"

-->"Who's so much of a pipsqueek that he trips over ants?!"

-->"Who's so small that the reason people think he doesn't read a newspaper is because it's bigger than he is and when he holds it he shrinks compared to its size?!"

-->"Who's the size of a five-year-old so much that people think his age is going down instead of up, you bastard?!"

-->"Who's so small that people call him the 'Karate Toddler' when he's fighting?!"

-->"Who are you calling a pipsqueak? You know, I'd be tall too in heels!"

-->"You calling me the 'Guinness Book of World Records' kind of shorty?!"

-->"Who are you calling a micro-sized halfpint who didn't grow up because he doesn't drink milk?!"