'''Basic Trope''': A woman falls for a guy and someone else doesn't understand his appeal to her.
* '''Straight''':
** Alice falls for Bob, who is ThePigPen and a bit of a {{Jerkass}}, and her sister Charlotte can't figure it out.
** Alice falls for Bob, and Carl, jealous, overlooks that Bob's better-looking and more reliable than him to fall to get it.
* '''Exaggerated''':
** Alice falls for Bob, even though she knows he's got bad habits of cheating on, [[DomesticAbuse abusing]], [[IfICantHaveYou killing his]] [[LoveInterest Love Interests]] and [[ArsonMurderAndJaywalking having]] [[ThePigPen terrible hygiene]], and her family and friends have her committed as insane.
** Alice and Bob are both good-looking, well-off, charming, and good, and furthermore have many interests in common. Nevertheless Carol and David each grouse that Bob and Alice (respectively) have no taste.
* '''Downplayed''':
** Carol thinks Alice could do a bit better than Bob, who doesn't always say "excuse me" after burping and is [[ThePigPen generally unkempt]].
** After one too many incidents, Bob himself asks Alice what she sees in him.
* '''Justified''':
** Alice knows that in spite of his bad habits and flaws, Bob is actually a [[JerkWithAHeartOfGold good person]], but her sister can't be bothered to look that far.
** Alice appreciates that he may not be wealthy, popular, or classically good-looking but is smart and funny.
** Alice is desperate.
** Alice is a rebellious teenager or twenty-something, DatingWhatDaddyHates.
** As the old saying goes "Love is blind", not even Alice herself knows why she loves him, just that she does.
%%** Bob only [[FreakyFashionMildMind looks like an undesirable guy]]; [[FaceOfAThig he's really a great guy]].
%%** Alice is [[UnholyMatrimony just as bad]].
* '''Inverted''':
** Bob is a sadist murderer who lives under a bridge. Alice is the head of the biggest company in the city, has written six books about theoretical physics, plays tennis with the Queen of England every Friday and owns the New York Yankees. Everybody treats Bob like he's the desirable part and Alice like a very bad choice he's making.
** Everyone knows that Lucinda and Mortimer are both wonderful people who would be great together, but they show no interest.
** Alice falls for Bob. Given that he is [[MartyStu darn near perfect]], Charlotte knows exactly why.
* '''GenderInverted''': Bob falls for Alice, who has an [[ItsAllAboutMe over-inflated ego]] and is a bit of an [[{{Jerkass}} ass]], his brother Daniel is confused about why Bob's interested in her.
* '''Subverted''': Alice is worried Charlotte might think Bob isn't good enough for her, but she seems to like him.
* '''Double Subverted''': Charlotte was just being polite, and expresses her doubts to Alice in private.
* '''Parodied''': Alice is interested in Bob, who is basically the [[NiceGuy nicest and]] [[TheDeterminator most hard-working guy]] on Earth, [[HorribleJudgeOfCharacter Carol]] hates him for little reason [[IrrationalHatred or none at all]], asks Alice what the hell is she thinking, and ([[RunningGag constantly]]) requests Alice to choose Daniel instead, who is basically a [[LazyBum lazy,]] [[TheUnapologetic unapologetic]] CardCarryingJerkass.
* '''Zig Zagged''': ???
* '''Averted''':
** The show has NoHuggingNoKissing.
** Alice has nothing but the most ''impeccable'' standards for who gets to date her.
** Bob is darn near perfect.
* '''Enforced''': ??? %%AllGirlsWantBadBoys, UnholyMatrimony, FreakyFashionMildMind, UglyGuyHotWife, ParentalMarriageVeto.
* '''Lampshaded''': "[[TitleDrop What does she see in HIM?!]] Seriously! [[Film/{{Zoolander}} I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!]]"
* '''Invoked''': Charlotte is very controlling of Alice, and she dates Bob just because she knows she will hate him.
* '''Exploited''': Charlotte talks Dave into fighting Bob by saying that he'd be a better boyfriend than Bob.
* '''Defied''': Alice will not date anyone who her family doesn't approve of.
* '''Discussed''': "Alice can do better..."
* '''Conversed''': "How did a lout like Bob end up with Alice?"
* '''Played For Laughs''': UglyGuyHotWife.
* '''Played For Drama''': ParentalMarriageVeto.
* '''Deconstructed''': These comments cause Alice to leave Bob because she internalizes what her sister said.
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%% Optional items, added after Conversed, at your discretion:
%%* '''Implied''': ???
%%* '''Reconstructed''': ???