'''Basic Trope''': The pairing of a calm, pragmatic guy with a GenkiGirl.
* '''Straight''': The [[MellowFellow easy-going Jordan]] is dating/friends with GenkiGirl Anna.
* '''Exaggerated''': Jordan spends most of his time sitting down and watching Anna bounce around.
* '''Downplayed''': Jordan is only slightly more easy-going and less energetic than Anna.
* '''Justified''':
** Anna always got into fights with guys as energetic as her, so she looked for a more mellow friend.
** Jordan and Anna come from a culture where men are expected to [[MenDontCry suppress their own emotions]] and [[MotherNatureFatherScience be more logical]], while women can freely be energetic and [[MotherNatureFatherScience emotional]].
* '''Inverted''': Jordan is a {{Keet}} while Anna is an EmotionlessGirl.
* '''Subverted''':
** Jordan is introduced as being fairly calm, but it turns out he's just as crazy as Alice behind closed doors.
** Anna starts out really energetic and excited, but it turns out she just had a lot of coffee.
** Anna was just really excited about the birthday party her friends are planning for her.
* '''Double Subverted''':
** ...at least, he pretends to be in their roleplays.
** It turns out Anna acts energetic without coffee in her veins.
** And after the birthday she's excited about pizza day at school, and the new puppies at the pet store, and it not raining...
* '''Parodied''': Jordan is comatose, and Anna is too busy to notice.
* '''Zig Zagged''':
** Jordan is calm unless he has sugar; when he does, he's as Genki as Anna. However, it turns out that sugar is actually the catalyst to a FreakyFridayFlip, and that Jordan!Anna just retains her energy to keep up appearances. When this is solved, Charlie notes that Jordan did have enough energy to pretend being Anna, which leads Jordan to become generally energetic even without sugar. And then it turns out that sugar actually makes Anna fall asleep.
** Jordan and/or Anna are bi-polar or have borderline personality disorder.
* '''Averted''': Jordan and Anna have comparable energy.
* '''Enforced''': The writers already have a pairing that applies CloserToEarth, and they want to compensate for it.
* '''Lampshaded''': Charlie asks Jordan how ''[[SquishyWizard he]]'' can possibly keep up with Anna.
* '''Exploited''': Jordan's personal trainer sets up Jordan with Anna in hopes that he will shape up when exposed to her energy.
* '''Invoked''': Daniel sets Jordan and Anna up on a date to prove that the trope can work.
* '''Defied''': Emma prevents a date between Anna and Jordan, since she believes the trope can't work.
* '''Discussed''': Fred and George try to find a girl for Jordan, and note that someone like Anna might be good for him.
* '''Conversed''': Jordan tries to convince Anna into going out with him, saying that they'll be just like Harry and Isabelle in her favourite sitcom.
* '''Played For Laughs''': Jordan finds himself constantly getting dragged into things he really doesn't want to do. Due to Anna's carelessness, he suffers some AmusingInjuries.
* '''Played For Drama''': Jordan finds himself constantly getting dragged into things he really doesn't want to do. Due to Anna's carelessness, he dies.
* '''Deconstructed''': Anna and Jordan break up because they share few common interests and cannot respect each other's lifestyles.
* '''Reconstructed''': Anna and Jordan find some common ground and respect their differences. In time, Jordan learns to be a bit more energetic for Anna, and Anna learns to be a bit calmer for Jordan.
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%% Optional items, added after Conversed, at your discretion:
%%* '''Implied''': ???

%%* '''Plotted A Good Waste''': ???