'''Basic Trope''': A truly manly character has a taste for meat.
* '''Straight''': [[TheHero Bob]] is a macho badass, and has steak as his TrademarkFavoriteFood.
* '''Exaggerated''':
** Every time we see Bob eating, it's from a large slab of ''raw'' meat.
** Bob is ''exclusively'' carnivorous.
* '''Downplayed''': Bob enjoys steak, but he eats fruits and vegetables as well.
* '''Justified''':
** Bob became such a badass in the first place by [[ManlyMenCanHunt hunting for his food]].
** Bob is an ''obligate'' carnivore, meaning he needs meat for his survival.
** Bob does not have the same medical or metabolic issues with fauna that he does with flora.
** Bob is an athlete or bodybuilder of sorts, and predominantly eats meat as they're a good source of protein.
* '''Inverted''':
** Badass WarriorMonk Bob is vegetarian whose diet keeps him in peak condition, and his knowledge of edible plants and mushrooms means he can survive anywhere.
** Bob believes that a meat-based diet is morally wrong and/or unhealthy, so he makes himself a veggie burger with veggie bacon and soy cheese.
** "Real" women don't eat meat, only fruits, flowers and leafy, light salads and other non-threatening food.
* '''Gender Inverted''':
** Alice TheLadette ''loves'' to eat steak.
** Alice the ValleyGirl eats meat, poultry and fish (possibly with seasoning) exclusively.
* '''Subverted''': Bob and his fellow bikers walk into a diner and order salads.
* '''Double Subverted''': Big biker Bob orders a salad, but it's the set-up to a punchline of a "salad" that's little more than bacon piled atop a handful of leafy greens and a sad tomato slice.
* '''Parodied''':
** Bob eats nothing but meat, subscribes to a meat-lover's magazine, is on a first-name basis with the local butcher, worships a T-bone steak, and lives in a house made of meat. Oh, and [[{{Squick}} his wife wears]] [[Music/LadyGaga a dress made of such.]]
** Bob eats a big porterhouse steak, then washes it down with a big glass of liquefied beef.
* '''Zig-Zagged''': Bob eats meat at every meal on some days, none on others, and varying non-zero amounts of meat on the remaining days.
* '''Averted''':
** Bob's diet is "normal" and he has no clear favorite food.
** Bob is a vegetarian.
** Somehow, Bob doesn't even need to eat.
* '''Enforced''': "We need to show that our character is [[TestosteronePoisoning manly.]] Real men don't eat salad."
* '''Lampshaded''': "Bob sure loves his steak." "Come to think of it, has he ever eaten anything but meat?"
* '''Invoked''': Bob is trying to convince others that he's a "real man", and exaggeratedly orders a steak over his friends' ribbing.
* '''Exploited''': Alice sets up a BoxAndStickTrap for Bob, and baits it with a raw steak.
* '''Defied''': "Real men don't give themselves scurvy."
* '''Discussed''': "Bob is one manly man. He probably eats nothing but meat."
* '''Conversed''': "He should see a nutritionist. An all-meat diet can't be healthy."
* '''Implied''': Bob is pretty macho, and often shown eating various meats, but never mentions his particular love of them.
* '''Deconstructed''': Because Bob almost ''never'' consumes any plant-based foodstuffs, he gets few and little of the beneficial nutrients provided by fruits, vegetables, and grains. His health declines dramatically as a result.
* '''Reconstructed''':
** Upon noting the risk of not having a balanced diet, Bob decides to eat more salad ... [[BrokenAesop but never without bacon bits]], of course.
** Bob improves his diet and restores his health.
** Bob learns about a workable meat-only diet (''all'' of the animal instead of just muscle tissue) and never has to look at vegetables again.
* '''Played for Laughs''': Bob orders [[WebVideo/EpicMealTime a twelve-decker bacon-and-grilled-cheese sandwich, battered and fried]].
* '''Played for Drama''': Bob's friends and family are concerned for his health, keeps Bob from eating so much meat and he angsts about when he can eat them.
* '''Played for Horror''': Bob's TrademarkFavoriteFood is [[ImAHumanitarian human meat]], and [[FridgeHorror his means of obtaining it]] are never mentioned.
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%%Optional items, added after Conversed, at your discretion:
%%* '''Plotted a Good Waste''': ???