'''Basic Trope''': A character, usually a woman, believes [[SerialRomeo that every (doomed) relationship will be]] The One.
* '''Straight''': Alice falls in love with men at the drop of a hat and has terrible taste in men, yet is convinced that every relationship she gets into is "The One".
* '''Exaggerated''': Alice falls in love every five seconds, and [[WhatDoesSheSeeInHim each man she falls for is more detestable than the last]].
* '''Downplayed''': Alice falls in love at the drop of a hat, but knows from the start that some of the relationships won't work.
* '''Justified''':
** Alice ''really'' wants someone to care for her. So she thinks she's willing to look past a few (or several) flaws, but then changes her mind.
** Alice is [[MyBiologicalClockIsTicking desperate]].
* '''Inverted''':
** Alice has nothing but the most impeccable standards for who dates her.
** Alice gets into an incredibly long relationship with Bob. He has all the hallmarks of "The One", but she refuses to consider him as such.
* '''Subverted''':
** Alice eventually finds Charles, a man who appears to be the one.
** Alice isn't really seeking a man; she's InLoveWithLove.
* '''Double Subverted''':
** Alice quickly finds out that Charles is the biggest jerk she's ever dated.
** Alice was lying because she's embarrassed about her situation.
* '''Parodied''': [[DoggedNiceGuy Bob is around]] - he's everything Alice wants, needs, and should look for in a man. He's handsome, has a great job, and is an all-around saint. However, Alice repeatedly ignores him to go after worse and worse men.
* '''Zig Zagged''': She's found the one! Wait, he's a bigger jerk than usual. But that was just at first and she changed him into a better person.
* '''Averted''':
** Everyone who is dating has regular standards.
** None of the characters are dating.
* '''Enforced''': "We need a depressing character on this show. How about one of those women who's always trying - and failing - to find the One?"
* '''Lampshaded''': "Well, that's the twelfth guy I've dated that's not the one."
* '''Invoked''': Alice runs into Carol, who has found the love of her life. She starts thinking...
* '''Exploited''': Men play along with Alice's fantasies, reasoning it's an easy way to get a date.
* '''Defied''':
** Alice decides that she might not find a perfect man, but knows she'll find one who at least sort of suits her.
** After several failed attempts to find the one, Alice opts to remain single.
* '''Discussed''': "So, how many guys did you date before me?" "Actually, none. I got lucky and found you on the first try."
* '''Conversed''': "Alice is so picky! Why can't she just accept one of these men as good enough? I mean, it's not like they're abusive or anything."
* '''Deconstructed''':
** Alice never finds the one because she's so busy dating around.
** Alice has a tough time discerning "The Butterflies" from actual love; when "The Butterflies" feeling fades, she assumes that she has fallen out of love with the guy (and/or that he has fallen out of love with her), not realizing that real love takes time and effort, and is about far more than schmoopy feelings.
* '''Reconstructed''': Alice eventually finds her man after a great deal of searching, and puts work into the relationship.
* '''Played For Laughs''': Alice says that a comically ugly jerk of an AbhorrentAdmirer is The One.
* '''Played For Drama''':
** Alice gets into an incredibly unhappy relationship. But she's so exhausted from searching for men that she refuses to believe he's not The One.
** Alice can't find The One because she's too desperate as a result of insecurity about her single status. Her blatantly obvious desperation and insecurity turn the good men off, and the [[JerkAss Jerkasses]] [[ManipulativeBastard use it to their advantage]].
* '''Implied''': Alice is seen blindingly in love with many different men. It's not clear what happened, but she can't seem to make them stay.
Maybe LookingForLoveInAllTheWrongPlaces is the one...
%% Optional items, added after Conversed, at your discretion: