'''Basic Trope''': A kiss that sucks out a person's soul/life-force/youth and kills them.
* '''Straight''': Alice is TheVamp, she uses her French kisses to yank the souls out of the men or women she seduces which kills them.
* '''Exaggerated''': Alice can blow deadly poisonous kisses that spread contagious plagues and can kill several people at once.
* '''Downplayed''': Alice's kisses can knock people out for a few hours.
* '''Justified''':
** Alice is a soul-sucking vampire/Succubus.
** Alice has been cursed by a witch to kill whoever she kisses.
* '''Inverted''':
** Alice can heal others with her kisses.
** Alice's kisses can bring back the dead.
** Alice passes out or falls into a coma every time her lips touches another's.
* '''Subverted''': Alice kisses Bob with her poisonous kisses. Instead of passing out or dying, Bob [[Film/BatmanAndRobin pulls a clear protective film from off of his lips.]]
* '''Double Subverted''': Alice blows a kiss and it kills him.
* '''Parodied''': If the kiss isn't good enough, Bob's soul may become trapped halfway up his mouth, resulting in him choking with a bright light coming from his mouth.
* '''Zig Zagged''': ???
* '''Averted''': Alice's kisses have no effect on another person's living status.
* '''Enforced''': "We want to make Alice kill someone in a... ''seductive'' way."
* '''Lampshaded''':
** Alice kisses Bob:
-->'''Bob:''' "Damn. Now ''that's'' a kiss." '''(He dies.)'''
** Or
-->'''Bob (''weakly''):''' "WorthIt." '''(He dies.)'''
* '''Invoked''': Alice intentionally goes around seducing her enemies, leading up to her kissing and killing them.
* '''Exploited''': Bob is suicidal and Alice doesn't know that her kisses can kill.
* '''Defied''': Bob punches Alice's lights out before she can plant her lips on his.
* '''Discussed''': "I swear, every time I kiss Alice I feel really weaker and weaker... is my hair falling out?"
* '''Conversed''': "Alice is a Succubus Demonwench from Hell; her kisses literally kill."
Back to KissOfDeath.
%% Optional items, added after Conversed, at your discretion:
%%* '''Implied''': ???
%%* '''Deconstructed''': ???
%%* '''Reconstructed''': ???
%%* '''Plotted A Good Waste''': ???
%%* '''Played For Laughs''': ???
%%* '''Played For Drama''': ???