'''Basic Trope''': A group of characters try to prevent another character from obtaining an artifact by tossing it from one to another.
* '''Straight''': AliceAndBob toss a DoomsdayDevice to each other away from Emperor Evulz.
* '''Exaggerated''': Every hero tries to keep the doomsday device from Emperor Evulz.
* '''Downplayed''': Alice holds up the doomsday device high over her head where [[TheNapoleon Emperor Evulz]] can't reach.
* '''Justified''': The heroes know that it will be bad if Emperor Evulz gets a hold of the doomsday device, and thus decide to work together to keep it away from him.
* '''Inverted''': HotPotato
* '''Subverted''': Bob and Alice start to play keep away from Emperor Evulz, but hand it to him [[MacGuffinDeliveryService after being threatened]].
* '''Double Subverted''':
** But the doomsday device they handed him was a fake.
** They returned it after removing the batteries.
* '''Parodied''': The heroes and villains act like school children at a playground.
* '''Zig-Zagged''': Bob and Alice play keep away for a while, then let Emperor Evulz have the doomsday device, but they've reprogrammed it to blow up only a very specific spot -- and since Evulz is holding it, goodbye to the BigBad.
* '''Averted''': Alice and Bob just run away from Emperor Evulz with the doomsday device as quickly as they can.
* '''Enforced''': ???
* '''Lampshaded''': ???
* '''Invoked''': ???
* '''Exploited''': ???
* '''Defied''': ???
* '''Discussed''': ???
* '''Conversed''': ???
Back to KeepAway
%%Optional items, added after Conversed, at your discretion:
%%* '''Implied''': ???
%%* '''Deconstructed''': ???
%%* '''Reconstructed''': ???
%%* '''Plotted a Good Waste''': ???
%%* '''Played for Laughs''': ???
%%* '''Played for Drama''': ???