'''Basic Trope''': The audience is told that what looks to be an alcoholic beverage is not.
* '''Straight''': Bob, who is TheAlcoholic, usually drinks what is clearly a beer, but thanks to pressure from the censors, he has a line describing it as root beer.
* '''Exaggerated''':
** Bob drinks what is clearly a beer, but thanks to pressure from the censors, he has a line describing it as ''really'' dirty tap water.
** Bob describes what year and vineyard his "grape juice" is from.
* '''Downplayed''':
** Bob drinks what is clearly a beer, but thanks to pressure from the censors, he has a line describing it as non-alcoholic.
** Any instances of underaged drinking are removed, but adults are still shown drinking alcohol.
** Instead of alcoholic beverages, Bob originally drank coffee. His coffee was changed to hot chocolate due to pressure from the censors.
* '''Justified''':
** The censors have Bob written as a teetotaller who tries very hard to hide the fact to avoid looking soft (to the point of making his soft drinks look like something harder).
** [[TheMoralSubstitute The beverage is a children's substitute for New Year's Champaign]]. But don't tell the kids, please?
* '''Inverted''': Bob is animated drinking clear liquid from a plastic bottle, but the dub changes it to vodka even though [[NeverGetsDrunk he shows no signs of getting drunk]].
* '''Subverted''': It's made to look like Bob's drinking's being covered up by censors, but it's later made clear it was an InUniverse lie on Bob's part to hide his drinking problem.
* '''Double Subverted''': However, the censors do insist that Bob ends up going teetotal after this, and all later instances of him drinking have this trope.
* '''Parodied''':
** The dub has Bob drink "water", but doesn't change the fact he [[CantHoldHisLiquor plainly gets hammered]].
** The dub has Bob's regular bar have an additional tab labeled ''[[MoralGuardians Board of Standards and Practices water]]'' that [[BitingTheHandHumor all agree tastes terrible]].
* '''Zig Zagged''': Bob frequently drinks beer but the dub ends up being inconsistent on what he actually supposed to be drinking.
* '''Averted''':
** Alcohol isn't mentioned in any way.
** Alcohol only comes up in the context of a VerySpecialEpisode in which [[AntiAlcoholAesop the characters learn about the evils of drink]] (which naturally would have to be cut or left as is in a dub).
** Characters drink alcohol and nothing is done to censor it.
* '''Enforced''': "Hey, watch what you drink! [[{{ThinkOfTheChildren}} This is a family show]]!
* '''Lampshaded''': "Alice will never find out [[TheAlcoholic I'm actually drinking beer!]]"
* '''Invoked''': The show has NoFourthWall. Bob needs some really dirty water to defeat the MonsterOfTheWeek, so he picks up a beer to use, knowing it'll become dirty water in the dub.
* '''Exploited''': The show has NoFourthWall. Bob TheTeetotaler happily drinks beer knowing it will become something else in the dub.
* '''Defied''': "I'm sick of overbearing moral guardians. [[MediumAwareness This show]] is meant for '''teenagers''' - why don't they realize that such teenagers have probably already heard about alcohol?"
* '''Discussed''':
-->"That doesn't look like tea..."\\
"It is tea...Long Island Iced Tea!"
* '''Conversed''': "I bet that 'tea' was was beer in the original dub".
* '''Played for Drama''': The show tries to have an episode about addiction, but the censors [[ExecutiveMeddling wouldn't allow them to put alcohol in the show]], so Bob becomes [[GRatedDrug addicted to root beer]].
Back to FrothyMugsOfWater
%% Optional items, added after Conversed, at your discretion:
%%* '''Implied''': ???
%%* '''Deconstructed''': ???
%%* '''Reconstructed''': ???
%%* '''Played For Laughs''': ???
%%* '''Played For Drama''': ???