'''Basic Trope''': A character ends their suffering by killing themself.
* '''Straight''': Bob kills himself since Alice no longer loves him.
* '''Exaggerated''':
** Every character kills themself due to suffering, [[EverybodyDiesEnding leaving no one alive by the end]].
** Bob kills himself after getting a ham sandwich, when what he really wanted was a hamburger.
** Losing Alice turns Bob into an OmnicidalManiac, and he kills everyone including himself.
** Bob kills himself over a papercut that won't heal.
** Bob decides to kill himself over the tiniest, most outlandish theory that the world sucks and he should kill himself to relieve the suffering.
** The townsfolk commit suicide ''en masse'' after their homes are destroyed.
* '''Downplayed''':
** Bob [[SelfHarm mutilates himself]], but not fatally.
** Bob commits suicide after [[TraumaCongaLine losing Alice, both of his parents, and several close friends]] [[TheWoobie in the same week]].
** Alice and Bob have a horrific car accident that kills the former and leaves Bob crippled for life, and while Bob doesn't actively consider killing himself, the event leaves him so traumatized he wishes he had died in the accident, possibly [[SurvivorsGuilt in Alice's place]].
** Bob is already dying from a terminal illness; [[GetItOverWith he just wants to die faster]].
** GoMadFromTheRevelation[=/=]DrivenToMadness
* '''Justified''':
** DespairEventHorizon
** GoMadFromTheRevelation[=/=]DrivenToMadness
** Since Alice no longer loves him, Bob has no one left to live for.
** Bob suffers from depression; losing Alice was the last straw in his long battle with his psyche, and he sees no other way out.
** Alice had an actual magic aura that caused Bob's pain to ease whenever they were together, and Bob found quickly that he was in love with Alice. Now that the pain is back, he can't stand both it and losing Alice.
** Bob has a load of enemies, and only ThePowerOfLove from Alice helped him stand against them; when she's gone however, Bob loses the power and decides BetterToDieThanBeKilled.
** Bob can prevent a great evil, but it requires a HeroicSacrifice only he can perform.
** Bob performs a SuicideByCop to ensure his family can live their lives safe without having to pay for his past mistakes.
* '''Inverted''':
** The character is a masochist who literally lives to suffer.
** [[IfICantHaveYou Bob kills Alice because she no longer loves him]].
** Bob's ghost somehow [[BackFromTheDead resurrects himself]].
** WhosLaughingNow
** Everyone hates Bob and wishes that he were dead. He vows to take better care of his health than ever before, just to spite them.
* '''Subverted''':
** Bob jumps off the cliff to kill himself, but he has a grappling hook attached to his waist.
** SuicidalGotcha
** Bob is about to kill himself because he believes Alice no longer loves him, but Alice comes in JustInTime [[LastMinuteHookup and]] [[TheBigDamnKiss reassures]] [[YouAreNotAlone him otherwise]].
** [[BungledSuicide Bob attempts suicide, but it fails]].
** Bob's death turns out to be a murder disguised as a suicide.
* '''Double Subverted''':
** The grappling hook breaks.
** But, later on, he really does commit suicide.
** They break up later on, driving Bob to suicide for real.
** He then tries again, and succeeds.
** Bob's supposed murder turned out to be suicide all along.
* '''Parodied''':
** Bob feels suicidal because [[WhoWantsToLiveForever he's immortal]] and can't die.
** Bob kills himself with a papercut.
* '''Zig Zagged''': A character ends his suffering by killing himself, but this brings him to Hell. So he ''resurrects'' himself to end his eternal torment... [[SuicidalCosmicTemperTantrum just so he can take down all of existence with him]].
* '''Averted''':
** Bob is depressed, but does not consider killing himself.
** No one is depressed enough to consider suicide.
** Bob ''does'' kill himself, but by accident.
* '''Enforced''': "We need to show Bob's anguish over Alice's rejection, but we DON'T want to have any {{Wangst}}." "Oh! Let's just end it quickly and have Bob kill himself."
* '''Lampshaded''': "Didn't you hear, Alice? Bob committed suicide, and it's all because you turned him away."
* '''Invoked''':
** Alice wants Bob's money, so she comes up with a plan to marry him and ruin his life in order to drive him to suicide.
** OrderedToDie[=/=]SuicideDare
* '''Exploited''': Bob kills himself... because his ghost is an extra-dimensional demon, and the only being that [[IfICantHaveYou can legally kill Alice]] on purpose.
* '''Defied''':
** Bob considers suicide, but decides [[LeavingYouToFindMyself to get over Alice]] and not use a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
** Bob says "ICannotSelfTerminate".
** Alice {{mercy kill}}s Bob instead.
** Someone close to Bob notices behaviour that hints that he's suicidal, and makes him get help. Bob learns AnAesop that even though life may seem hopeless at times, [[WorthLivingFor it gets better]].
** Someone catches Bob right before he is about to commit suicide, and [[TalkingDownTheSuicidal talks him out of it]].
** ThePowersThatBe turn Bob into an immortal with a powerful HealingFactor the nanosecond before the gun goes off. [[AndIMustScream That may not be as comforting as it sounds for the first half an hour or so]].
* '''Discussed''': "Maybe I only have one option left: suicide."
* '''Conversed''': "So Bob committed suicide? Seriously, someone ought to found the Good Samaritans in that city or something".
* '''Implied''':
** Bob is depressed for several episodes, and then [[FridgeHorror disappears]] [[WhatHappenedToTheMouse with no straightforward explanation]] and is [[ChuckCunninghamSyndrome never mentioned again]]. No one seems to notice his absence.
** One day Bob, who's normally a careful driver, dies after driving off a cliff. There's no obvious explanation for it -- the car had not been tampered with and the road wasn't bad at all -- which suggests that he did it on purpose.
** Bob uses [[DeadlyEuphemism an euphemism commonly used to talk about suicide]] (ex. "[[Film/SoylentGreen going home]]") in the middle of a conversation shortly before being PutOnABus. The writers may or may not be trolling the audience, but one of the strongest theories of what will be the way we hear from Bob again is [[BusCrash the confirmation he killed himself off-screen]].
* '''Deconstructed''':
** Characters debate at length whether Bob was too mentally ill to "choose" suicide or if suffering makes suicide noble.
** Bob's suicide is the [[SuicideIsShameful cause of anger and sadness for everyone in society]]; others label him as a coward for giving up on life whereas others consider him selfish for leaving his family, friends, and the rest of society to deal with life's problems.
* '''Reconstructed''':
** A character ends his suffering by killing himself after settling his affairs. The character makes his death seem like an accident so his loved ones would not feel guilty for his suffering (and/or to make sure the insurance policy on him gets paid out).
** But it doesn't help that everyone [[NoSympathy is rather dismissive of Bob's claims of being depressed]], and even his loved ones didn't bother to help him deal with his depression, so Bob made the right choice in escaping from [[HumansAreBastards these humans]].
* '''Played For Laughs''':
** Bob pulls off a FunnyBackgroundEvent by preparing and performing his suicide while Alice tries to tell Charlie that there's still hope for Bob in the world.
** Bob is a villain, and everyone [[AndThereWasMuchRejoicing celebrates his death]].
** Bob has ResurrectiveImmortality, and someone paid him five bucks to off himself for their amusement.
** SuicideAsComedy
* '''Played For Drama''': Bob is totally depressed due to how people dismiss his claims of having problems, even by his own loved ones. As he chooses to take his life, this causes others to vehemently point out that Bob has really crossed the DespairEventHorizon.
* '''Played For Horror''': Bob’s corpse after his suicide is [[NightmareFuel very disturbing]].
There was a link here, but it was unfortunately DrivenToSuicide.