'''Basic Trope''': Characters with {{Plain Name}}s live alongside characters with not so obvious names.
* '''Straight''':
** Joe's friends include Kunashi, Billy, Zarvax, and Rita.
** The main characters of the show are named Hope and Shira.
* '''Exaggerated''': Joe's friends, all of whom live in one secluded village, include Bulx'a7ʘahshi, Roderick, Manolo, and [[OverlyLongName n?!?ndmongudaamnognx'klxoqaidrothʘnotha7akloʘ̃nayrethonothaeogijsifngirsifkbnjrsghtsgbngt]].
* '''Downplayed''':
** Some names are a bit more exotic than others. Joe has friends with names like Stefan and Madeline.
** Joe's friends are Larry, James, Ida, Brendan, Wanda, and [[OddNameOut Qorkchtok]].
* '''Justified''':
** Joe and Kunashi are from different cultures.
** Joe and Kunashi live in a society [[MeaningfulName where the strangeness of the name has a connection with the person's place in society.]]
** Many people in Joe's place [[ButNotTooForeign are of different ancestries]].
** Kunashi's parents named her after a fictional character they love.
** It is a sci-fi setting and the characters with exotic names are aliens.
** Hope is white while Shira is a Middle-Eastern Jewish girl.
* '''Inverted''': Not only are the characters' names all [[PlainName generic]], but they all fit [[ThemeNaming a theme, or one of a few different themes]].
* '''Subverted''':
** The village has lots of people with names like Kunashi or Watashi, but there is that one Joe. However, it turns out that Joe's name is short for Joznaku.
** The exotic names are just [[MyNaymeIs intentionally exotic spellings]]: Alaeaizzsz is Alice, Bwayhb is Bob, and Shairleatt is Charlotte.
** Zarvax and Kunashi are just nicknames. Their actual names are Zack and Ken.
** Joe's friends' names have a mix of normal, somewhat unusual, and bizarre names. However, the bizarre names are all revealed to be nicknames with logical origins.
* '''Double Subverted''':
** Joznaku is the local transliteration of Joseph.
** The characters' names are {{retcon}}ned in a sequel or spin-off.
** ...which are short for Zackarador and Kenjakal.
** It turns out to be a lie; Joe's friends refused to show the truth out of fear of being humiliated.
* '''Parodied''': Joe's friends have [[TheUnpronounceable unpronounceable]] [[StarfishLanguage symbols]] in their names.
* '''Zig-Zagged''': One of Joe's friends is Kunashi. However, Joe's full name is Joenullius, as he doesn't want anyone to forget his name, while Kunashi's actual name is Kent, and he doesn't call himself that because he thinks it's a boring name and he wants to sound much more important than he actually is.
* '''Averted''':
** Joe's friends have normal names.
** All named characters have fantasy[=/=]exotic names.
** The story is a NamelessNarrative.
* '''Enforced''':
** Several writers cooperated in naming the characters.
** The creators wanted to celebrate diversity by including names from a number of different ethnicities.
** The creators needed to come up with an exotic kind of name for our alien characters since they are from outer space.
* '''Lampshaded''': Joe and Kunashi often get asked whether they even came from the same country whenever they go on a trip to someplace else together.
* '''Invoked''':
** As a weird way of helping their neighbors, Kunashi's parents gave their daughter that name in order to help the other children with their pronunciation issues.
** Joe's friends' parents decide to give their children exotic names to make them stand out.
* '''Exploited''': Joe and Kunashi's parents introduce them to each other to help them grow into tolerant human beings to help build the global community.
* '''Defied''':
** Although her parents do discuss giving their daughter a strange name like Kunashi, they decide to screw it and call her {{Alice|AndBob}} instead.
** Kunashi is sick of having a weird name and changes her name to Alice.
* '''Discussed''': "Why did you expect me to have some really weird name? All my neighbors have normal names!"
* '''Conversed''': "Wait, what did they say their names were? Joe and Kunashi?"
* '''Implied''': All named characters have {{Plain Name}}s. However, when Bob asks Alice her new friend's name, Alice says, "I can't pronounce her name."
* '''Plotted A Good Waste''': The head writer thinks that [[RuleofCool Kunashi is a cool name.]]
* '''Deconstructed''':
** Kunashi is made fun of because no one can pronounce his name.
** Kunashi's name isn't very obvious at all to people, and have to be repeatedly told how to pronounce it, and how to not botch it up.
* '''Reconstructed''': Kunashi and his family are accepted because the community believes [[AnAesop diversity is good.]]
* '''Played for Laughs''': Joe and his friend Kunashi travel together, and no one notices the contrast.
* '''Played for Drama''': Kunashi's family is [[TheExile banished]] from the village for having a weird name.
* '''Played for Horror''': Kunashi is [[FinalSolution executed]] for having an exotic name.
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%% Optional items, added after Conversed, at your discretion: