* In ''Manhwa/{{Chonchu}}'', the eponymous character suffers a lot from this and tries to hide it by behaving like a rabid dog in need of blood.
* Sul-yin from ''Webcomic/KissWood'' was dumped on her uncle by her father when she was a child. There's no mention of him again or of her mother.
* Chaehee and Gihuun's parents are both dead in ''Manhwa/AflameInferno''.
* In ''Manhwa/FaeriesLanding'' not much is known about Ryang's parents, other than the fact that they both work overseas. Ryang lives with his older brother Hun and his wife, Taeyeong.
* In ''Manhwa/HotBloodedWoman'' Aram was an orphan who got adopted by her foster father.
* Cho-Ah's parents in ''Manhwa/MagicalJxR'' are in another country.
* Jae-min from ''Webcomic/OrangeMarmalade'' claims his was abandoned by his mother for two years but what really happened remains to be seen.
* Bam from ''Webcomic/TowerOfGod'' never knew his parents.
* Da-Jeong's mother in ''Webcomic/TheFriendlyWinter'' left her and her dad ten years ago, due to being unable to deal with the fact her daughter [[OlderThanTheyLook will always look under nine]]. They meet again when Da-Jeong is nineteen however it takes a lot of time for their relationship to become less strained.