* ''NightmareFuel/UnchartedDrakesFortune''
* ''NightmareFuel/Uncharted2AmongThieves''
* ''NightmareFuel/Uncharted3DrakesDeception''
* ''NightmareFuel/Uncharted4AThiefsEnd''
* ''NightmareFuel/UnchartedTheLostLegacy''
* ''NightmareFuel/UnchartedGoldenAbyss''
!! In General
* Pick any {{MacGuffin}} from any of the main games, and prepare to be horrified at the results. El Dorado? [[spoiler:[[ZombieApocalypse Zombifying anthrax]].]] The Cintamani Stone? [[spoiler:A tree full of PsychoSerum.]] The "djinn" at the heart of Iram of the Pillars? [[spoiler:Concentrated MindRape.]] The legendary golden city? [[spoiler:Irradiated and deadly]]. Captain Avery's lost treasure and utopia of Libertalia? [[spoiler:Nothing wrong with the treasure, but its sheer size and scope caused everyone who knew about it to slaughter each other out of greed and paranoia.]] Is it any wonder why all of them were sealed away?