* The Titan Dolphin fron the FIW VR game. It's a bipedal land dolphin resembling a Spinosaurus, and somehow its foreflippers became legs, its tail became thin and whiplike, and it has scaly reptilian skin for some reason. It's just so twisted from the body plan of a typical dolphin that it borders on BodyHorror. Though given how awkward and unlikely it is, it could just as easily be seen as {{Narm}}.
* Sharkopaths. As if sharks were scary enough, these are even more intelligent and ''hunt in packs''. Though they might just be [[SugarWiki/SoCoolItsAwesome too badass to be afraid of]].
* Silver Spiders, mainly because [[ToServeMan they act nice to poggles, then eat them]]. The queen also uses poggle hormones to breed.
* That supervolcano eruption.
* And don't forget the Carakiller, Deathgleaner, and Snowstalkers.
* The Lurkfish [[AndIMustScream paralyzing]] the [[MamaBear mother Swampus]] and then ''[[EatenAlive swallowing her alive]]''.
