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* During the mission in the Nutripils Factory, one of Jade's objectives is to photograph a member of the Alpha Sections with his helmet off. You might think this is just to name and shame the conspirators, [[BodyHorror until you find out what they look like underneath their helmets]].
** It gets even worse when you see it later on the M Disc and that music is playing.
* The human trafficking in the factory and the slaughterhouses is frankly unsettling in and of itself, especially if you haven't figured out yet what the [=DomZ=] plan to do with them. Scanning the crates with your camera before the X-ray pretty much proves that something is still alive in there. [[InvasionOfTheBabySnatchers Then they start abducting children]]. Heck, one young NPC disappears later in the game.
** Then there's that business with the lighthouse. One minute, it's as you left it. The next time you approach it, however...
** And then in that side mission that shows the same crates being incinerated along a conveyor belt. Scanning the crates with your camera shows "Minimal Biological Activity Detected." And Then [[FridgeHorror you realize that the entire section is the drained abductees being incinerated, Nazi style. ]]
* The way the [=DomZ=] monster deals with the Alpha Section who didn't neutralize all the intruders. There's no warning, no words spoken, no clear idea exactly what the thing is doing to him as he groans in agony. All we know is that, when it's finished, he hits the ground as a corpse and the beast turns its attention to Jade.
* Crochax aren't particularly scary by monster standards, especially when you've whacked a few of them already, but [[JumpScare they aren't half fast]] and they can reduce you to button-mashing if they attack in groups.
%% * The dead cow in the laboratory. [[SurprisinglyCreepyMoment Were you really expecting that in this game?]]
* In the [=DomZ=] base, [[ItsQuietTooQuiet Double H sums it up well]].
* [[EstablishingCharacterMoment The appearance of the Pterolimax]] has shades of NothingIsScarier. At first, the Pterolimax are shown as two goofy faces with [[SlasherSmile mad grinning expressions]] on them, and after you cross a bridge to meet them, they play "peek-a-boo" when you try and photograph the pair. That bridge was its tail, and those two "faces" are its eyestalks.
* The whales that suddenly appear if you drive your hovecraft too far away from the game's "map", and also the one in space.
* Just to show you that the game is not fooling around, the very first monsters you fight are ''children'', trapped inside some creepy exoskeletons that [[PoweredByAForsakenChild drain their lifeforce to power up their attacks]]. Sure, as you break them up, you free the children, apparently unharmed, but you don't know that from the start.
* The [=DomZ=] Priest. [[MemeticMutation What has been seen,]] [[https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/Domz_priest_6501.jpg cannot be unseen...]]