New Yesterday is a musical group which specialises in Dance music, primarily featuring Electronica and Alt-Rock with some Latin influences.

They have three officially released singles, but only one has been broadcast worldwide - in the form of a video on Website/YouTube, ''Shift''. This single is the first to not include any Latin-inspired segments but, rather, repetition of a dance break from their first single, which [[WordOfGod claim to make it "a good mix track for DJs"]]. Also, the single has added water-drips, moving ladders, and a toy robot in the background to add to the Alt-Rock effect.

On a later Website/YouTube upload, they revealed that they had gained a singer, who is British.

You can listen [[ here]].

!!Tropes that apply to this musical group:

* AllInTheEyes: Artwork for ''Shift'' is a concept eye.
* AnonymousBand: Simply all we know is they're American, with [[WordOfGod (apparently)]] some Latino heritage and a British singer. That's it.
* ButNotTooForeign: Central-North American with a bit of Latin Spice and a Brit thrown in for good measure.
* CoverVersion: One, sung ''a cappella'' by friends of their singer. It was ''"I Write Sins Not Tragedies"'', and is on Website/YouTube somewhere.
* EverythingIsAnInstrument: A toy robot and a step ladder were used for ''Shift'', along with a computer.
%%* FakeOutFadeOut
* FullNameBasis: [[NoNameGiven No individuals' names are known,]] [[OnlyKnownByTheirNickname they all go by 'New Yesterday'.]]
* GenreShift: Ditching the Latin with the main single didn't suit them. Not even a bit.
* IncrediblyLamePun:
** When asked about the change to Alt-Rock for ''Shift'' the response was "No, it's ''Shift-Rock''! [[DontExplainTheJoke Like on a keyboard.]] And we used a computer, too."
** Just ''[[PunBasedTitle titling]]'' the song 'Shift' could denote the ''[[GenreShift shift]]''. No WordOfGod on that, though.
* {{Industrial}}: Most likely of the danceable kind, but there's a fair amount of synthesising, too.
* {{Instrumentals}}: Well, there aren't any words.
* LoopedLyrics: Technically looped ''music'', in the case of ''Shift'' most notably - and this itself comes from [[{{Title 1}} Song No. 1]].
* LukeNounverber: Not AdjectiveNounFred, because they ''are'' Adjective Noun... [[StageName New Yesterday]].
%%* MinimalisticCoverArt
* [[NewSoundAlbum New Sound Single]]: They ''Shift''ed.
%%* NoisyRobots
* NonAppearingTitle: They're a big fan. None of their songs have any lyrics at all, though (unless you count that one time they recorded a cover JustForFun).
* OopNorth: Where their singer is from, and you can tell from the way syllables are shortened. As such, the group's name isn't [[OverlyLongName all that long for her at all]].
* PropheticName: Even with TimeTravel, [[RealityBreakingParadox hopefully not]] as that could cause a TemporalParadox.
%%* {{Sampling}}
* SexDrugsAndRockAndRoll: {{Averted}}, there's [[AlternativeRock rock and roll]] but the group are [[WordOfGod perfectly clean]].
%%* SongStyleShift
* SquatsInAName: Although Song No. 1 was the first song, the group's name was just [[AGoodNameForARockBand made up and sounded catchy]].
%%* StopAndGo
* TextlessAlbumCover: {{Averted}}. To say the songs are ''wordless'', this could well have been expected. [[YourPrincessIsInAnotherCastle Not so fast]], because the cover art for their singles features [[{{Minimalism}} one lovely abstract image]] with the song's title and 'New Yesterday' emblazoned on top.
* TickTockTune: ''Shift''.
* TrashCanBand: What sounds like it was pulled from a kitchen used in all songs.