[[folder:From Swing123]]
* From ''Fanfic/CalvinAndHobbesTheMovie'':
--> '''Hobbes:''' Why wait till tonight?\\
'''Calvin:''' Hobbes the good part of the movie happens then. Do you want to RUSH through the movie?\\
'''Hobbes:''' No.\\
'''Calvin:''' Good. Then we'll wait for tonight.
** Then there's an absolutely fourth-wall ''shattering'' exchange in Chapter 8, where Calvin and Tracer's brawl interrupts the movie. It takes quite a while, and the news guy ends up undergoing some SanitySlippage.
** And there's this:
--> '''Calvin:''' [[AntiClimax You mean to tell me that I wasted a perfectly good drama scene while Camp Pine wasn't even a mile from here!]]
** Then there's the CreditsGag, which has Calvin insulting the audience.
* The introduction to ''Fanfic/CalvinAndHobbesIILostAtSea''[='=]s bonus chapter has a bit of this.
--> "Welcome!" Calvin yelled. "In this bonus chapter on um... What's this place called again?"\\
"[[Website/FanfictionDotNet Fanfiction.]]" Hobbes yawned.\\
"Oh yeah. ...On Fan-friction, you'll see a trailer for CALVIN AND HOBBES III: DOUBLE TROUBLE, a soundtrack for songs, and a quick preview! I hope ya like it!"
* Exaggerated in ''Fanfic/CalvinAndHobbesIIIDoubleTrouble'': Calvin manages to briefly ''hijack the narrative.''
--> Susie was playing on the sidewalk with Mr Bun.\\
She was performing a ritual known to us only as "THE TEA PARTY".\\
That's not me talking by the way, Calvin slipped it in while I wasn't looking.
** Then there's this:
--> '''Calvin:''' But anyway, if this is a UFO, it has to have some kind of EscapePod or something! It's in the rules!\\
'''Hobbes:''' It is?\\
'''Calvin:''' Plus this chapter would be extremely boring if we just sat in a cell all day.
** Another one:
--> '''Tracer:''' Who's Earl?
--> '''Calvin:''' The ship captain! Didn't you know that?\\
'''Spiff:''' Not really. He wasn't called Earl until the end of the second movie.
** Even later:
--> '''Calvin:''' Now hurry up, and go! We're running out of room for this chapter!
** "Nothing like a bunch of drama to get the movie going, huh Hobbes?"
** "And if we'd known that trick in the first place, this movie would've been shorter."

[[folder:From garfieldodie]]
* From ''Fanfic/CanYouImagineThat'':
--> '''Spiff:''' What'd we miss?\\
'''Hobbes:''' [[TheChase The chase scene.]]\\
'''Spiff:''' Darn it! That's always the best part of an adventure!

[[folder:From Both]]
* ''Fanfic/CalvinAndHobbesTheSeries'' has [[MediumAwareness/CalvinAndHobbesTheSeries its own page.]]