
''Sea Princess Azuri'' was a manga series by [[http://solipherus.deviantart.com Erica Reis]] (now Erica Leigh Currey).

Azuri is the princess of the Orcans. She is engaged to Prince Unagi of the Eel Kingdom, but is in love with Pthalo, a palace guard. The story revolves around this arranged marriage and was to focus on the Eel Kingdom's treachery until the series was cancelled by Creator/{{Tokyopop}}.

* ArrangedMarriage: Unagi & Azuri's marriage would end the rivalry between the two kingdoms.
* ImpossiblyCoolClothes: The merfolk all had ornate costumes and fancy clothes for everyday wear. Azuri's refusal to wear them unless neccessary was a sign of her nature.
* InterspeciesRomance: Mica is a cross between two types of dolphin mermaids. The question of what Prince Unagi and Princess Azuri's offspring would look like is mentioned.
* {{Jerkass}}: Unagi, at least in the first volume.
* HorseOfADifferentColor: The seahorse mounts used by the Eel Kingdom.
* PetBabyWildAnimal: Awa the sealicorn.
* RebelliousPrincess: Obviously.
* RunawayFiance: [[spoiler:Azuri fless the kingdom with Thalo at the end.]]
* SeashellBra: Sometimes they're present, sometimes they're not. It's a wardrobe choice.
* UnscaledMerfolk: The Orcans and several other mermaid characters.