''Wanted'' may refer to:

* ''ComicBook/{{Wanted}}'', the comic book by Creator/MarkMillar.
* ''Film/{{Wanted}}'', the film (loosely) inspired by the comic book.
* ''Manga/Wanted1998'', a special volume of short stories written by Creator/EiichiroOda and not at all related to the comic book or film.
* ''Manga/Wanted2005'', a {{shoujo|Demographic}} manga involving piracy and not at all related to the comic book or film.
* ''Series/{{Wanted}}'', a UK 1990s gameshow.
* The British/Irish BoyBand, Music/TheWanted.
* The WantedPoster trope, for said posters.
* TheMostWanted trope, for someone that's being the most hunted person in some jurisdiction.

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