A list of tropes that have to do with any form of vandalism.
+ BreakingAndDestructionTropes
* BananaInTheTailpipe: Slowing down a car by stuffing an object in its tailpipe.
* BathroomStallGraffiti: [[ExactlyWhatItSaysOnTheTin Graffiti in the bathroom stall]].
* BatteredBouquet: Destroying gifted glowers.
* BrokenWindowWarning: Smashing a window.
* BookBurning: Burning books to destroy free thought.
* BulletHoleSpelling: Writing a message with a gun.
* BurningTheFlag: A flag is symbolically destroyed.
* ChuteSabotage: Destroying someone's parachute during skydiving.
* DefaceOfTheMoon: Vandalizing the moon by carving words or images into it.
* DeadAnimalWarning: Killing an animal and threatening someone with it.
* DefacementInsult: Vandalizing to insult someone.
* DestroyTheVillainsWeapon: [[ExactlyWhatItSaysOnTheTin Destroying the villain's weapon]].
* {{Egging}}: Throwing eggs at other people's houses.
* FaceDoodling: Drawing on a person's face while they are unconscious.
* FakingAndEntering: Lying about breaking-and-entering as a cover-up.
* GangBangers: Young street gangs.
* GenericGraffiti: Cliche graffiti with vibrant colors and bubble-letter words, or something else.
* GraffitiOfTheResistance
* GraffitiTown
* GraveRobbing
* IllFatedFlowerbed
* IntentionalMessMaking: Making a mess on purpose for whatever reason.
* InterrogationByVandalism
* KilroyWasHere
* LetterboxArson
* MailboxBaseball
* MustacheVandalism: Vandalizing a person's picture by drawing on it to add unflattering features, often a mustache.
* ParkingPayback (often involves vandalism)
* PercussiveShutdown
* PercussiveTherapy
* PosterPatchup
* PyroManiac: An arsonist who really enjoys setting stuff on fire.
* RansackedRoom
* RewardingVandalism
* RushmoreRefacement: The villain's plan involves either adding their face to Mt. Rushmore or changing the already existing faces so that they bear the likeness of themselves and/or their cohorts.
* SignsOfDisrepair, sometimes.
* SkyscraperMessages
* SpillStainSabotage
* SweetieGraffiti
* ToiletPaperPrank: Wrapping toilet paper around stuff.
* VandalismBackfire: A person attempts to get to someone else by damaging something they assume to belong to their target, but it turns out the object destroyed wasn't even theirs.
* VehicularSabotage
* WashMeGraffiti: Writing "wash me", or words to that effect, in the dirt on the back of a vehicle.
* WreckedWeapon
* WikiVandal: A {{troll}} who edits wiki pages solely to add (or replace the content with) false information or inflammatory statements just to see how the other editors will react.