->''"I think I thought I saw you try. But that was just a dream."''
-->-- '''{{Music/REM}}''', "[[Music/OutOfTime Losing My Religion]]"

So, this is an index of ambiguity--

Not so fast! We don't have any idea what this could be! But we do know it has nothing to do with Music/TheyMightBeGiants. And that it's not to be confused with the AmbiguityIndex.

It could be:


* AmbiguousCloneEnding: It's left ambiguous whether a person is the real deal or if they've been replaced by a duplicate.
* AmbiguousCriminalHistory: A character is implied to have committed a serious crime in the past, but it's never given context.
* AmbiguousEnding: The work ends on an uncertainty.
* AmbiguousGender: It is difficult to tell what gender a character is.
* AmbiguousGenderIdentity: Somebody may or may not be trans and not transitioned.
* AmbiguousInnocence: Somebody could be actively scary or creepy or not.
* AmbiguousRobots: It is difficult to tell whether something is a robot or not.
* AmbiguousSituation: Any event where it's unclear what happened.
* AmbiguousSyntax: The phrasing of a sentence allows for more than one interpretation of what the sentence means.
* AmbiguousTimePeriod: The work takes place in the past or future, but it's unclear when exactly.
* AmbiguouslyAbsentParent: Somebody has one or both their parents not present, and it's unclear as to why.
* AmbiguouslyBi: A character is hinted but not outright stated to be bisexual.
* AmbiguouslyBrown: A character has dark skin, but it's not clear if it's to indicate their ethnicity or if they simply have a tan.
* AmbiguouslyChristian: A character celebrates Christian holidays and/or makes references to {{God}} and/or Christian afterlives, but they're never confirmed (or denied for that matter) to actually be Christian.
* AmbiguouslyEvil: A character of unknown moral alignment is subtly implied to possibly be evil.
* AmbiguouslyGay: A character is hinted but not outright stated to be gay.
* AmbiguouslyHuman: A character appears to be human but has certain odd characteristics and quirks that hint they might actually be something that isn't human.
* AmbiguouslyJewish: A character is played by a Jewish actor and/or displays {{stereotype}}s about Judaism but isn't directly stated to be or not be Jewish.
* AmbiguouslyRelated: It's not clear whether or not certain individuals are related.
* AmbiguouslyTrained: A character shows signs of having either been in the military or had a job in law enforcement, but it's never confirmed.
* TheBigBadShuffle: There are multiple antagonists who could qualify as the BigBad, but it isn't clear which one is the true main antagonist.
* BolivianArmyCliffhanger: A season finale ends with it being ambiguous who lived and died.
* BolivianArmyEnding: The story ends with the characters at the mercy of someone about to kill them and no clarification on whether or not the enemy successfully killed them.
* CartoonCreature: A character is most likely some sort of anthropomorphic animal, but it is unclear what species they are supposed to be.
* ChurchOfSaintGenericus: A place of worship (church, synagogue, temple, etc) is left ambiguous as to what denomination or religion it is for.
* {{Cliffhanger}}: Ending an episode/chapter/season/etc with one or more characters in danger (the ambiguity is that it's unknown at the time how/if they'll get out of danger).
* ComicSutra: A sex act is mentioned, but it is not known how it is performed.
* CowTools: Tools with unclear purposes.
* CrapsackOnlyByComparison: A place that seems like a {{Dystopia}} only to one character or group of characters because they're used to better places.
* CrypticConversation: All or most of what one particular character says is cryptic.
* CuckooNest: A character is convinced they're in an asylum and the events of the work were just hallucinations, making it (sometimes temporarily, sometimes permanently) ambiguous as to what's real.
* DiabolusExNihilo: A baddie who appears out of nowhere and it's unknown where they came from or why.
* DidTheyOrDidntThey: It's left ambiguous whether or not a couple have consummated their relationship.
* TheEndingChangesEverything: Sub-trope of Ambiguous Ending. At the end, it's unknown which events of the story were real and which were imaginary/faked situations/etc.
* EnigmaticMinion: An antagonist (''not'' the BigBad) whose actual agenda is left a mystery.
* EpilepticTrees: Fan theories; the audience making up their own hypotheses as to what really happened in a work.
* FanDislikedExplanation: A YMMV for when an ambiguity is resolved, but the audience dislikes the resolution.
* FanonWelding: A work that is considered to be set in the same universe as another work by most fans.
* FauxAdventureStory: A story promises adventure but doesn't deliver.
* FightUnscene: Characters fight, but all or most of the fight is left unseen, so it's ambiguous as to exactly ''how'' they fought unless it's revealed through dialogue.
* FlipFlopOfGod: The work's creator keeps changing their mind in regard to information not revealed in the work itself.
* GainaxEnding: SubTrope of AmbiguousEnding -- an ending makes ''no sense at all''.
* ImpliedLoveInterest: A character acts like a love interest, but it's unknown if they're really in love.
* InexplicablyAwesome: A character who is awesome, bizarre, and never to be explained.
* LastSecondJokeProblem: A new problem crops up at the end of a story that's just meant to be funny rather than lead to the next act.
* LeftHanging: An uncertainty that's a serious part of the plot remains ambiguous.
* LukeIMightBeYourFather: Because the mother had sex with more than one man at the time of conception, it's unknown who the child's true father is.
* MamasBabyPapasMaybe: A father is unsure if their child is truly theirs.
* MasterOfTheMixedMessage: One character is definitely in love with another, but it's unknown how the other person feels about the love interest.
* MaybeEverAfter: It's left vague whether the romance arc ends with the couple staying together.
* MaybeMagicMaybeMundane: A supposedly supernatural event has reasonable and logical explanations, but it is also hinted that the event may have been genuinely supernatural.
* MindScrew: Something is so surreal/symbolic that it makes no sense.
* {{Mockspiracy}}: It's ambiguous as to whether a conspiracy theory is true or not, but it leans heavily towards "not true".
* MocksteryTale: One or more characters try to solve a mystery but then the mystery turns out to be nonexistent, unimportant, or unsolvable and it turns into a PsychologicalThriller (or a ShaggyDogStory in more comedic media).
* MultipleChoiceFuture: There are several possible futures and it's unknown which will happen.
* MultipleChoicePast: A character has multiple contradictory origin stories, the true origin being unclear.
* MysteriousMercenaryPursuer: A villain sent to kill or kidnap the protagonist who is well-known for killing/kidnapping people professionally, determined, and mysterious in at least one way.
* MysteriousPast: A character's backstory is extremely vague and seldom mentioned.
* MysteriousPurple: The color purple used to characterize or code things as mysterious, ambiguous, or enigmatic.
* NeverFoundTheBody: A person who appeared to die is speculated to still be alive because their corpse was never found.
* NoEnding: The story ends with the main plot unresolved.
* NonSpecificallyForeign: A character is established to not be a native inhabitant of the setting, but it isn't explained what their specific nationality is.
* NoodleImplements: A person plans to achieve a goal with the use of items of unclear function.
* NoodleIncident: Characters mention an unseen past event without clarifying the full details involving it.
* NothingIsScarier: A horror element whereby the threat isn't actually seen, and the audience is left horrified imagining what said threat might look like.
* ObliquelyObfuscatedOccupation: It's not made clear what a character does for a living.
* TheOmniscientCouncilOfVagueness: A mysterious group that seem to be working behind the scenes and who comment cryptically on things that happened.
* OrWasItADream: A character appears to have [[AllJustADream dreamed it all]], but it's then implied that what they allegedly dreamed about had actually happened.
* OtherworldlyAndSexuallyAmbiguous: A god/demon/angel/etc. whose gender is unknown.
* OurHeroIsDead: ''Seemingly'' killing the protagonist as a {{Cliffhanger}}.
* RashomonStyle: A story is narrated differently by different characters and they ''can't all be right'', so it's ambiguous who's right.
* RiddleForTheAges: Something mysterious happens and it's never explained how.
* ARiddleWrappedInAMysteryInsideAnEnigma: Something is described as three mysteries within one another.
* SantaAmbiguity: A work leaves it ambiguous whether or not SantaClaus exists in the setting.
* SchrodingersButterfly: In a story about dreams, it's ambiguous whether some things were real or dreamed up.
* ShrugOfGod: Either due to indifference or not being sure themselves, the creator of a work chooses not to confirm a detail regarding canon and elects to simply let the fans come to their own conclusions.
* SilentWhisper: We don't know what one character whispered to the other.
* TheSpook: An individual whose background and motivations are not known.
* TheStinger: A scene that plays after the credits.
* TakeOurWordForIt: The characters spend an awful lot of time talking about how scary, funny, gruesome or whatever something is, but we never actually see it.
* TakenDuringTheEnding: A character/object is taken away at the end of the story for a purpose, leaving it ambiguous on what's going to happen next.
* ThatMysteriousThing: A character mentions something while describing it in a way that we don't know exactly what the thing they're talking about is. Even the person describing it may not know.
* ThroughTheEyesOfMadness: A horror trope where we don't know whether something is real or a hallucination or even if hallucinations are even a possibility.
* UncertainDoom: A character is last seen in a situation where they may have been killed, but it's not clear whether they survived or not.
* UnknownRematchConclusion: The conclusion to a final rematch between two characters is never shown.
* UnreliableNarrator: It's hinted that the narrator may not be telling the complete truth, if they were even honest to begin with.
* TheUnReveal: We never find out what the big secret is.
* UnrevealAngle: Using the position of the camera for an Un-Reveal.
* UnspecifiedApocalypse: The Apocalypse happened, but exactly ''how'' is unexplained.
* UrbanLegendLoveLife: Whether a character has as many conquests as they claim is unclear.
* VagueAge: It's not clear how old a character is supposed to be.
* VagueHitPoints: It's not clear how many hit points a character has.
* VagueStatValues: It's not clear what the quantity of a stat is, or how much it's changed.
* WhereTheHellIsSpringfield: It's ambiguous where the story takes place.
* WildMassGuessing: The place on this wiki to post fan theories.
* WorldOfMysteries: A whole setting consisting of vague hints and unsolved mysteries.

Is it the end of this page, or is it actually just the beginning?