[[quoteright:250:[[VideoGame/SuperMario64 https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/Super_mario_64_start_2595.jpg]]]]
[[caption-width-right:250:It's-a face you can-a play with!]]

Tropes dealing with the heads on living things, or artificial life forms. Whether it's the entire head, the face, the brain, other parts, or things relating to the head, they are all covered here.

Compare MemoryTropes (as those are of course stored in the brain), KissingTropes.

Contrast TheseTropesAreMadeForWalking.

Not to be confused with Administrivia/JustAFaceAndACaption, FaceHeelIndex, FaceOfTheIndex, or ChaseScene.

+ BreathingIndex
+ CraniumCoverings
+ EarTropes
+ EyeTropes
+ GlassesTropes
+ HairTropes
+ MouthfulOfIndex
+ NoseTropes
+ SmileTropes
+ TeethTropes
+ ThisIsYourBrainOnTropes
+ WhoWasThatMaskedIndex
* AffectionateGestureToTheHead
* AlasPoorYorick: Holding a dead person's skull or detached head while lamenting their passing.
* BigHeadMode
* BoomHeadshot: Killing someone by shooting them in the head.
* BrainInAJar: A person's disembodied brain is kept alive in a jar.
* BrainMonster
* BrainTheft
* BrainTransplant: Removing a person's brain and putting it into someone else's body.
* ButterFace: Their body looks great but there's something not right about their face.
* CanCrushingCranium: Someone crushes a can by pressing it against their forehead.
* {{Cephalothorax}}: A being who is essentially a head with arms and legs.
* ChildhoodBrainDamage: It's established that a dumb or eccentric character is the way they are because of suffering head trauma in the past.
* CoconutMeetsCranium: Someone gets hit in the head with a coconut.
* CranialPlateAbility: When a character acquires new abilities thanks to a steel piece implanted (accidentally or via surgery) in their head.
* CranialProcessingUnit
* CraniumChase: A character loses their head, resulting in the body groping around in an attempt to recover the head and reattach it.
* CraniumCompartment
* CraniumRide
* CrownShapedHead
* DecapitationPresentation: Proving you killed a person by showing their severed head.
* DecapitationRequired: Cutting off the head is the only way to kill them.
* DemandingTheirHead: Unpleasant people putting a bounty on a severed head.
* DemonHead
* ExorcistHead
* FlamingSkulls
* FlyingFace
* ForeheadOfDoom
* ForgotToMindTheirHead
* FrustratedOverheadScribble
* GottaGetYourHeadTogether
* HardHead
* AHeadAtEachEnd: A four-legged creature has a head at both ends of its body.
* HeadbuttOfLove
* HeadbuttThermometer
* HeadCrushing: Killing someone by squashing their head flat.
* {{Headdesk}}: A person reacts to something by slamming their head against the desk they are sitting at.
* HeadHat
* HeadSmashesScreen: Damaging a screen with your head.
* HeadTurnedBackwards
* HolyHalo
* HumanHeadOnTheWall: Someone mounts a human being's head on their wall as they would with an animal.
* HumanJackOLantern: A "festive" version of DecapitationPresentation.
* HypnoticHead
* LanternJawOfJustice: Good guys who have huge chins.
* LeaderFormsTheHead
* LosingYourHead: Non-fatal decapitations.
* MercurysWings
* MultipleHeadCase: A being with more than one head whose different heads don't get along well.
* MyBrainIsBig: A character whose brain extends out their skull.
* MySkullRunnethOver: There is a limit to how much knowledge the human brain can contain, with bad things sure to happen should that limit be exceeded.
* NoNeckChump: A character who has no neck.
* NonHumanHead: A being who has an inanimate object for a head.
* NothingButSkulls
* {{Oculothorax}}: A creature who is basically a floating eyeball.
* OddOrganUpTop: A being who has a different body part in place of a head.
* OffWithHisHead: Decapitating someone.
* OneHeadTaller
* OracularHead
* OstrichHeadHiding: A scared ostrich hides their head underground.
* PieInTheFace: Someone gets hit in the face with a pie.
* PrettyLittleHeadshots
* PumpkinPerson: A being who has a pumpkin for a head.
* RemovingTheHeadOrDestroyingTheBrain: Something can only be killed by cutting of its head or destroying it's brain.
* SeveredHeadSports
* ShrunkenHead
* SkullForAHead
* TapOnTheHead: A blow to the head is a harmless 'sleep' button.
* ThinChinOfSin
* TinyHeadedBehemoth: A large, brutish creature has a comically small head.
* UnusualHalo
* UseYourHead
* VillainousCheekbones
* WaddlingHead
* YourHeadAsplode