"Puppetmaster" might refer to one of the following tropes:

* TheChessmaster: a character who metaphorically controls other people through manipulation.
* MarionetteMaster: a character who controls marionettes to do their bidding.
* PeoplePuppets: the ability to control others like you would a puppet.
* PuppeteerParasite: an alien parasite who can take control over other creatures.
* PuppetFighter: a character in a video game who is able to control another entity.
* The author of an AlternateRealityGame.

You might also be looking for one of the following works:
* ''Film/PuppetMaster'', horror film from Full Moon Pictures.
* ''Film/ThePuppetMasters'', sci-fi film about an AlienInvasion.
* ''Literature/ThePuppetMasters'', sci-fi novel by Creator/RobertAHeinlein about aliens who control people.

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