Tropes dealing with shame, embarrassment, and humiliation... or the lack thereof.

Compare ADishonorableIndex, EnvyAndJealousyTropes, InsultTropes, BeingInThisIndexSucks, TropesOfAwkwardness.

Contrast TheseTropesLoveToBrag and AdmirationTropes.

* AcquaintanceDenial: Pretending not to know someone to avoid embarrassing yourself or being scorned.
* AmazinglyEmbarrassingParents: Children find their parents' antics embarrassing.
* BackingAwaySlowly: Slowly moving away from a very awkward, embarrassing, strange, or off-putting situation.
* BadJobWorseUniform: Having to wear an embarrassing outfit for a job.
* BeAllMySinsRemembered: Somebody is ashamed because they're being praised but feel that they don't deserve it because they did bad things.
* BigSecret: People are investigating a crime, one person didn't do it but is a suspect because they have a shameful, unrelated secret.
* BreakTheHaughty: Something bad happens to an arrogant person, doesn't necessarily involve shame.
* BreakThemByTalking: Gaining a psychological advantage over someone else by talking to them and making them feel awkward.
* CandidsForSale: Someone sells candid photographs or videos of someone else.
* CarloadOfCoolKids: A vehicle full of people. Needn't involve shame but often involves the people in the vehicle heckling.
* CatchTheConscience: Reminding someone of their crime to shame them.
* CaughtOnTheJumbotron: Being caught on the camera doing something embarrassing at a sports stadium.
* CaughtWithYourPantsDown: Someone is caught with their pants down masturbating or preparing to masturbate.
* CircleOfShame: A group of people surround an embarrassed character and laugh at them.
* ClosetGeek: A geek who is embarrassed by their geekiness and tries to hide it.
* ClothingDamage: Someone's clothes get damaged, usually played for {{Fanservice}} but not always. Not necessarily to do with shame but can cause it.
* ComedicUnderwearExposure: Somebody's underwear gets exposed, and it's PlayedForLaughs. Doesn't always embarrass them, but often does.
* ConeOfShame: A pet has to wear a cone collar to stop them from licking stitches or something, but it looks ridiculous to either the animal or the surrounding humans.
* TheConscience: A character who reminds another character to be morally good.
* ConscienceMakesYouGoBack: Someone is about to walk away from a person or people who need help, but then feels guilty and and goes back to help them.
* CulturalCringe: People are embarrassed by an aspect of their own country's culture.
* CuriousQualmsOfConscience: Someone is ashamed by their duty.
* DefeatByModesty: Defeating the villain by damaging or stealing their clothes in a way that exposes (or threatens to expose) their privates or underwear.
* DinnerOrderFlub: Somebody tries to order from a menu, but due to a language barrier, not knowing what a term means, not being able to read/see properly, or whatever other reason, they order something they didn't want or don't even order a dish. Doesn't always cause shame, but often does.
* DirtyBusiness: A good guy does something arguably bad out of obligation, and feels ashamed.
* DontLookAtMe: Someone doesn't want to be looked at.
* DreadedKidsPartyEntertainerJob: Performing for young audiences brings nothing but humiliation and other indignities for the unfortunate performer.
* DunceCap: Someone is punished by wearing a large cone-shaped hat with the word "DUNCE" or a "D" on it.
* EasilyEmbarrassedYoungster: A child or teenager who embarrasses easily.
* EmbarrassedByAChild: A character is doing something that embarrasses them, and they get more embarrassed by a child pointing it out.
* EmbarrassingAdGig: A character stars in a commercial that embarrasses them.
* EmbarrassingAlibi: An alibi to a crime is something humiliating to admit.
* EmbarrassingAnimalSuit: A character has to wear an animal costume but is embarrassed by it.
* EmbarrassingBrowserHistory: A character doesn't want people to see what they look up on the internet.
* EmbarrassingCoverUp: Someone is doing something secret and is asked what they're doing. They use something embarrassing as an excuse.
* EmbarrassingDampSheets: A character [[PottyFailure wets the bed]] (or damps the bed in any other form) and may (or may not be) ashamed of it.
* EmbarrassingFirstName: Someone is embarrassed by their first name.
* EmbarrassingHobby: Character has a beloved pastime, but is too embarrassed to let anyone else know about it.
* EmbarrassingHospitalGown: Wearing a hospital gown is seen as embarrassing, bothersome, or humorous.
* EmbarrassingInitials: A person's initials or an acronym spells out something embarrassing.
* EmbarrassingLastName: Someone's last name embarrasses them.
* EmbarrassinglyDresslikeOutfit: A male character is embarrassed to wear a robe, toga, kilt, etc. due to thinking it resembles a dress/skirt.
* EmbarrassinglyPainfulSunburn: A sunburn embarrasses the one getting sunburnt.
* EmbarrassingMiddleName: Somebody is embarrassed by their middle name.
* EmbarrassingNickname: Someone has an InSeriesNickname they find embarrassing.
* EmbarrassingOldPhoto: Someone is embarrassed by a childhood photo of him.
* EmbarrassingPassword: Someone has a password that embarrasses them.
* EmbarrassingPyjamas: Someone is embarrassed by and/or ridiculed for their sleepwear.
* EmbarrassingRelativeTeacher: A student feels embarrassed when their relative starts working at their school.
* EmbarrassingRingtone: Someone uses a ringtone (usually in the form of a song) that he finds embarrassing.
* EmbarrassingSlide: Someone shows somebody else a series of photographs, one of which embarrasses the second character.
* EmbarrassingStatue: Someone is embarrassed to have a statue made of them.
* EmbarrassingTattoo: Somebody has a tattoo that he finds embarrassing.
* EmbarrassingVoicemail: Somebody leaves a voice message that they really don't want anyone else to hear.
* EmbarrassmentPlot: A whole plot or sub-plot focusing on embarrassment.
* EvenTheDogIsAshamed: Everybody is ashamed of someone, even a pet.
* ExposedEmbarrassingPurchase: You wanted to keep this purchase private? Too bad.
** TrojanGauntlet: The above but specifically for condoms.
* FaceDoodling: Drawing on a sleeping person's face; not always embarrassing but often is.
* FakeFabricFashionFauxPas: Wearing clothing made of polyester or some other artificial material marks you as a tasteless tacky boor.
* TheFlappingDickey: A dickey comes loose and flaps onto someone's face, humiliating them.
* FreakinessShame: Being ashamed because you don't look normal.
* TheFreelanceShameSquad: A group of people who laugh at and/or tease a stranger's mistake.
* GainingConfidenceSong: A character is feeling shameful and insecure at the start of a song, but gets over it while they sing.
* GoGoEnslavement: A captive (usually female) is forced to wear an embarrassing outfit.
* GuiltInducedNightmare: Guilt haunts someone's dreams.
* GuiltyPleasures: Someone feels guilty about something he enjoys.
* HannibalLecture: The villain asks the hero questions, which get progressively more embarrassing to the hero.
* HidingFromEmbarrassment: A character is stuck hiding because being seen to leave would be socially awkward.
* HumblePie: An embarrassing event deeply affects the one being embarrassed.
* HumiliationConga: The villain is defeated with a lot of embarrassing things.
* IHatePastMe: Someone meets his past self via TimeTravel and, often due to shame, hates him.
* InnocentAwkwardQuestion: A child asks an adult a question that inadvertently embarrasses or shocks the adult.
* InstantHumiliationJustAddYouTube: Someone is embarrassed because another person posted a video of them doing something they find embarrassing on Website/YouTube or similar.
* InterruptedBath: Someone gets interrupted while taking a bath, often leading to embarrassment.
* ItsACostumePartyISwear: Lying that a party is a costume party in order to get someone to dress up and be embarrassed.
* IWasQuiteAFashionVictim: Someone cringes about the clothes he used to wear.
* LessEmbarrassingTerm: Someone uses InsistentTerminology to cover up an embarrassing term.
* MarkOfShame: Giving someone a mark on his body or piece of clothing in order to shame him for something he did.
* MomentOfWeakness: A moment in which a character acts contrary to his usual nature out of stress, causing damage and usually guilt.
* MonumentOfHumiliationAndDefeat: The villain wins (at least temporarily) and makes a monument to shame the hero.
* MyCountryTisOfTheeThatISting: Being ashamed of one's own country.
* MyGodWhatHaveIDone: Someone feels really guilty.
* MyGreatestFailure: Someone feels embarrassed or guilty about one big failure they did.
* NakedFreakOut: Somebody covers themselves, squeals or both upon being naked.
* NeverLiveItDown: A YMMV trope for when people associate a character with one minor thing, not necessarily related to shame.
* NoPeekingRequest: A character requests another to turn away or not to look while they perform an action, usually due to shyness or shame.
* ObliviousGuiltSlinging: Someone feels guilty about doing something that will negatively impact another person and decides to keep it a secret from that other person.
* OfCorsetsFunny: Corsets are played for comedy, often involving embarrassment.
* OldShame: Trope for when a character is ashamed of something from their past.
* OnceDoneNeverForgotten: Character has done something in the past that the other characters refuse to forget...or let ''them'' forget.
* PassingJudgment: Character does something embarrassing in public and gets stared at by appalled passengers of a vehicle.
* ThePenance: Punishing/shaming oneself.
* PeriodShaming: Making someone feel ashamed for menstruating.
* PersonalHorror: The way you've alienated yourself from yourself often results in shame.
* PlasterCastDoodling: Drawing or writing humiliating things on someone else's plaster cast.
* ProneToSunburn: A character sunburns very easily and is embarrassed by it.
* TheReasonISuckSpeech: A character makes a speech about how horrible most of his actions were.
* TheReasonYouSuckSpeech: Telling someone off by rambling on about how they are bad.
* RejectedMarriageProposal: Both being rejected and doing the rejecting can potentially cause feelings of shame and embarassment, especially if there's other people watching.
* ReluctantFanserviceGirl: A woman is embarrassed because she has to be naked or in skimpy clothes but doesn't want to.
* ResignedInDisgrace: A person quits their high-ranking job, willingly or otherwise, because of an embarrassing scandal.
* RoadsideWave: A person gets soaked by a passing car driving through a puddle. Frequently an element in a HumiliationConga.
* SavedFromTheirOwnHonor: A character is honor-bound to harm themselves, but is stopped by someone wise/benevolent.
* SeductionAsOneUpmanship: A character seduces another character's significant other to put one over on them.
* SelfImposedExile: A character exiles themselves, frequently out of shame.
* ShameAccusation: Somebody asks another person if they're ashamed of them.
* ShamedByAMob: A group of people stare at a villain to shame them.
* ShamefulShrinking: Someone literally shrinks when they're embarrassed or ashamed.
* ShamefulSourceOfKnowledge: Somebody doesn't want to give out useful information because they're embarrassed about where they got it from.
* ShamefulStrip: Somebody is stripped of their clothing to embarrass them.
* ShamelessFanserviceGirl: A woman who doesn't care about nudity being taboo (despite being aware), she runs around naked or in her underwear anyway.
* ShamelessSelfPromoter: An arrogant person brags about their skills shamelessly.
* ShamingTheMob: The hero shames an angry mob with a speech.
* ShapeshifterGuiltTrip: A [[{{Shapeshifting}} shape-shifter]] who's evil shames the good guy by impersonating their friend/love interest/etc while in combat.
* ShyBladder: Somebody is too shy to pee.
* SlutShaming: Portraying [[ReallyGetsAround promiscuous]] women as bad.
* SuddenHumility: Two people are friends, one of them has a disadvantage, then something bad happens to the person with the advantage, putting them on the same level as the disadvantaged person and humiliating the former advantaged person.
* SuicideIsShameful: People think suicide is immoral.
* SuntanStencil: Someone tries to embarrass another person by writing or drawing things/words on them that will show up when they tan.
* SympatheticMurderBackstory
* UncoolUndies: A character has underwear that's seen as embarrassing.
* UnderdressedForTheOccasion: Somebody is embarrassed because they aren't wearing formal enough clothes.
* UndressingTheUnconscious: A character is embarrassed upon finding out they've been stripped while they were unconscious.
* UnmanlySecret: A man is ashamed of being InTouchWithHisFeminineSide.
* VirginShaming: Virginity is seen as shameful.
* WalkOfShame: A shameful jaunt with head turned down.
* YourApprovalFillsMeWithShame: The hero accidentally does something bad, the villain compliments the hero, which makes the hero feel bad.
* YouUsedToBeBetterSpeech: An admirer says how a person used to be better in the past than they are now.