[-[[caption-width-right:350: Image by Toshihide Sano.]]-]

->''"Flying is just jumping, but you miss the Earth."''
-->-- '''[[Creator/AchievementHunter Ryan Haywood]]'''

A Index of tropes about flight. Beware of AntiAir.

See also: VehicleIndex and ThisIndexBlows

Contrast FallingAndLandingIndex.
+ AngelicTropes
+ AvianTropes
+ SkydivingTropes
+ TropesOnAPlane
+ WingedTropes
* '''{{Flight}}''' (main topic)
* AcrophobicBird: A character capable of flight doesn't want to fly for some reason.
* AerialCanyonChase: A chase commences in the air, next to a canyon.
* AirborneAircraftCarrier: A flying air force station.
* AirborneMook: This enemy can fly. Expect some degree of frustration from it.
* AirJousting: Duel where two people crash into each other... IN THE SKY!
* AllBalloonsHaveHelium: Balloons + Air = Floating Balloon
* ArmoredCoffins: A vehicle with no safety or escape features, so that being disabled almost always kills the pilot.
* {{Balloonacy}}: (Balloons × Helium) + Object/Character = Easy Flight.
* BalloonBurstingBird: A balloonist's worst nightmare.
* BellyScrapingFlight: An aircraft or flying creature brushes the ground or a terrestrial obstacle in a close call.
* BombardierMook: Airborne Mooks with explosives.
* CallOfTheWildBlueYonder: A character wishes they could fly and repeatedly tries and fails at it.
* ClipItsWings: The wings are a very crucial weak point for flying targets.
* CoolAirship: Airships are awesome.
* CueTheFlyingPigs: A verbal put-down [[TemptingFate Tempts Fate]].
* DeathFlight: Trying to kill someone via dropping them from an airborne vehicle while it's in flight.
* DieOrFly: Dormant superpowers come to light under extreme circumstances.
* DisturbedDoves: Mass bird take-off is ''always'' symbolic.
* DreamsOfFlying: A character dreams that they're flying.
* EarWings: Ears are used as a form of flight.
* EmergencyCargoDump: Dumping stuff out of a plane to make it lighter.
* FloatingInABubble: Character in an actual bubble, for any number of reasons (but usually for travel).
* FlightIsTheFinalPower: A character gains various superpowers, with flight coming last.
* FlightOfRomance: Flight is associated with love.
* FloatingContinent: A large, midair landmass.
* FloatingMask: MaskOfPower + PowerFloats
* FlyingBooks: [[ExactlyWhatItSaysOnTheTin Books that fly]].
* FlyingBrick: A superhero with very generic abilities.
* FlyingBroomstick: Witches travel around on cleaning implements.
* FlyingCar: [[ExactlyWhatItSaysOnTheTin A car that flies]].
* FlyingFace: Disembodied flying head.
* FlyingFlightlessBird: A bird that shouldn't be able to fly actually does.
* FlyingOnACloud: Someone can fly on a cloud.
* FlyingPostman
* FlyingSaucer
* FlyingSeafoodSpecial
* FragileFlyer: Flying beings depicted as weaker or less durable than non-flying ones.
* FullMoonSilhouette
* GhostlyGlide
* GiantFlyer: Huge flying animals.
* GlobalAirship
* HairWings
* HatOfFlight
* HelicopterHair
* HelicopterPack
* HeliCritter: A living creature that flies with rotating blades or wings.
* HighAltitudeBattle
* HighUpIceUp
* HindenburgIncendiaryPrinciple: Fictional airships tend to crash spectacularly.
* HoverBike: A bike that hovers off the ground.
* HoverBoard: Flying skate, surf, or other boards.
* HoverBot: A floating robot.
* HoverMecha: A floating mecha.
* HoverTank: A tank that hovers off the ground.
* HoverSkates: Footwear that allows its wearer to float above the ground.
* HubcapHovercraft
* IBelieveICanFly
* IfItSwimsItFlies: Things that can move underwater can move in the air like it's also water.
* InflatingBodyGag
* InstantFlightJustAddSpinning
* ImprovisedJetPack
* JetPack
* JettisonJetpackAttack
* JumpJetPack
* TheJoyOfFirstFlight: Flying for the first time is an exhilarating experience.
* KiteRiding: Flying by riding or being strapped to kites.
* LevitatingLotusPosition: Someone floats off the ground with their legs crossed under them.
* LivingGasbag: Creatures that float through internal stores of lighter-than-air gases.
* LoveFloats
* LookMaNoPlane
* MagicCarpet: A flying carpet that can carry people around.
* MidairRepair
* NotQuiteFlight
* OminousFloatingCastle
* ParachuteInATree
* {{Pegasus}}: Flying winged horses.
* PossessionLevitation
* PowerFloats
* RememberedICouldFly
* RidiculouslySmallWings: Characters which can fly in spite of the size of their wings.
* StationaryWings
* SpaceWhale: Such whales are often depicted flying in atmospheres as well.
* TheSkyIsAnOcean: Skies are depicted as acting like another sea, with flying ships, fishes, islands and so on.
* SkyPirate: Pirates in flying vessels.
* SkySurfing
* SubmersibleSpaceship: If it flies in a vacuum, it can fly in an ocean.
* ThoseMagnificentFlyingMachines: Decorative, baroque and improbable flying devices.
* ToastedBuns
* TokenFlyer: Ensemble teams tend to have a single flying member.
* TurbineBlender
* UpUpAndAway
* VideoGameFlight
* WeWillAllFlyInTheFuture
* WindFromBeneathMyWings
* WingedSoulFliesOffAtDeath
* WireFu
* WorldInTheSky: A setting of floating landmasses in the sky.
* WronskiFeint: Flying towards an obstacle and dodging at the last minute to trick pursuers into crashing.
* ZeppelinsFromAnotherWorld
!!Useful Notes
* UsefulNotes/{{Airships}}