All tropes about disliking something and characters who don't like something.

See also HatredTropes and TakeThatIndex Don't confuse with ItSucks.

* AdultHater: A character who hates adults.
* AffectionHatingKid: A child who hates seeing people express affection or expressing affection themselves.
* CantTakeCriticism: A character gets angry whenever they receive the slightest bit of criticism.
* ChildHater: A person who dislikes children.
* ClothesForChristmasCringe: A character gets a gift which they don't like, that being clothes.
* CopHater: A person has nothing but contempt for law enforcement.
* DatingWhatDaddyHates: A woman spites her father by dating the kind of person he doesn't like.
* DiscoSucks: A character hates disco.
* DislikesTheNewGuy
* DoNotCallMePaul: A character who usually goes by an alias or nickname hates being addressed by their proper name.
* DoesntLikeGuns: A character who has an aversion towards using firearms.
* DoesNotLikeMagic
* DoesNotLikeMen: A woman who hates men.
* DoesNotLikeSpam: A particular kind of food that the character despises.
* DontCallMeSir: A person in authority doesn't like being referred to by their formal title.
* DontLookAtMe
* EnmityWithAnObject
* EverybodyHatesHades: The god of death/the dead is the most despised of the setting's deities.
* EverybodyHatesMathematics
* EveryoneHatesFruitCakes: Nobody wants to touch yet alone eat the traditional Christmas dessert.
* EveryoneHatesMimes: Mimes are considered weird and creepy.
* HatedItemMakeover: A character hates it when a second character gives their item a makeover.
* HatesBaths: A character dislikes having to bathe.
* HatesBeingAlone
* HatesBeingCalledCute: A character dislikes being perceived as cute.
* HatesBeingTouched
* HatesEveryoneEqually
* HatesReading: A character dislikes reading.
* HatesSmallTalk
* HatesTheJobLovesTheLimelight: Someone in the ShowBusiness is cynical about their occupation but enjoys the perks nonetheless.
* HeManWomanHater: A man who hates women.
* IDoNotLikeGreenEggsAndHam: The story revolves around a character refusing to try something they're sure they won't like before eventually giving in and finding that they actually do like it after all.
* ImprovComedyIsInane: Improv comedy is depicted as the least popular form of comedy.
* JadedProfessional: A character who used to enjoy their job, but they now hate it.
* MisophoniaGag: Using a character's misophonic reactions for one-off gags or instances of drama.
* TheMisophonic: A character who doesn't like certain noises.
* ProfanityPolice: A person doesn't like hearing other people use swear words.
* RapIsCrap: A character hates rap.
* TeenHater: A character who dislikes teenagers.
* TrappedAtTheDinnerTable: A child would rather sit at the table for hours than eat a food they hate.
* TrojanVeggies: KidsHateVegetables, so parents have to hide them in a different food to get them to be eaten.
