Critical Research Failure can refer to:

* AnachronismStew: A historical work includes people, technology, clothing, religions etc. that didn't yet exist or were widespread during the work's time period (or had perhaps gone out of fashion). Sometimes it's done deliberately for the story / setting, but other times it's a mistake.
* ArtisticLicense: A factual error regarding certain aspects of the story. It may be included on purpose for the sake of improving a story. It may also, however, be an example of the creators simply getting things wrong.
* CanonDefilement: A {{Fan Work|s}} makes mistakes about the canon source material (beyond what WillingSuspensionOfDisbelief accepts as an adaptation).
* CommonKnowledge: A wide-spread 'fact' about a work that isn't actually accurate.
* CowboyBebopAtHisComputer: A work or media reporting gets something factually inaccurate about a work.
* CreatorsApathy: The creators admit they didn't care enough to put thought or research into it.
* DidNotDoTheBloodyResearch: A work (typically one rated PG or lighter) includes some slang that is considered vulgar or inappropriate in some areas.
* FalselyAdvertisedAccuracy: A work claims it's accurate, but it actually isn't.
* HollywoodStyle: An index filled with tropes about works that use common, yet crude and inaccurate, assumptions and depictions about various subjects.
* InUniverseFactoidFailure: A character in a work says something that's factually inaccurate.
* JustPlaneWrong[=/=]JustTrainWrong: A work gets facts about aircraft or aviation/locomotives or rolling stock wrong. Can be the result of poor research, though there are also instances where the creators didn't feel the need for it to be accurate.
* TheMountainsOfIllinois: A real life location in a work contains geographic features that do not actually exist.
* RuleOfIndex: An index of tropes where audiences can accept inaccuracies if it improves an emotional element of the story.
* SadlyMythcharacterized: A portrayal of a deity or mythological figure doesn't match up with how they're presented in the original lore or religion.
* SadlyMythtaken: A work references mythology that's inaccurate or mixes them up with others.

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