Tropes for covers of books, comics, music albums, film posters, [=DVDs=] and others.

Compare FilmPosters.
* AlternateAlbumCover: A popular music album with multiple versions of its album cover.
* AmericanKirbyIsHardcore: A work with a cutesy-looking cover has a more badass-looking cover in an overseas release.
* BilledAboveTheTitle: Famous actor or writer gets top billing for their work's cover.
* TheBreakfastClubPosterHomage
* ClandestineCover: Covers that disguise the content of the work.
* CopycatCover: Cover shamelessly imitates another.
* CoverDrop: The cover art gets dropped somewhere in the work.
* CoversAlwaysLie: The cover does not match what happens within the work.
* DesignStudentsOrgasm: Overly artsy cover.
* DetailHoggingCover: The cover of an animated work has more detail added to the characters than the actual animation.
* EstablishingTeamShot: Where TheTeam is shown together on the cover.
* EvilOverlooker: The cover shows the villain's face looming over the heroes.
* FaceOnTheCover: Using a celebrity's face to sell product.
* FanserviceCover: Including fanservice on the cover to boost sales.
* FloatingHeadSyndrome: Cover features shots of the cast's disembodied heads.
* IdiosyncraticCoverArt: The cover of multiple volumes share a theme.
* JuxtaposedReflectionPoster: Reflecting the focal character of your poster but changing something about the reflection to emphasize something about them.
* LadyNotAppearingInThisGame: Using an attractive person (usually female) to advertise one's game- despite said person having little or nothing to do with the game's actual ''content''.
* MinimalisticCoverArt: There's not much in this cover.
* MirroredConfrontationShot: The cover depicts two opposing people or groups facing one another.
* MusicalSquares: Cover features panels with individual musicians in each one.
* OneCastMemberPerCover: A series has a different member of the cast on the cover of each volume.
* OrangeBlueContrast: Hollywood loves contrasting orange-ish objects in a blue environment, and vice-versa.
* PietaPlagiarism: The cover depicts a dead character being carried in the arms of someone grieving them.
* ReachingTowardsTheAudience: Cover character extending their arm towards the FourthWall.
* SceneCover: A specific scene of the work is featured in the cover.
* SeanConneryIsAboutToShootYou: Cover character is shown pointing their weapon at the FourthWall, as if they were threatening the audience.
* SoundtrackCoverCharacterJam: A soundtrack release features a work's character(s) playing or listening to music in the cover.
* SpoilerCover: Work doesn't care about including its twists in the cover.
* SuperDickery: The cover depicts a scene that, without the proper context, makes it look like the hero is being a jerk.
* TeamShot: Cover features TheTeam posing to the audience.
* TextlessAlbumCover
* TrendCovers: Cover becomes so popular other works start emulating it.
* TyopOnTheCover: The title is misspelled on the title card or the episode list.
* VariantCover: Comic books have limited printings of an issue where the issue has a different cover to try and get people to buy multiple copies of the same comic.
* VFormationTeamShot: Cover features TheTeam walking in a V-formation.
* WolverinePublicity: A character is prominently featured on the cover regardless of how big their actual role in the story is.