Tropes dealing with cleaning and cleanliness, from the characters who perform it to the methods that are used.

Compare BathingTropes. Contrast FilthinessTropes and DisgustTropes.

''Please keep this index tidy, and use these antiseptic wipes to clean up if you spill anything.''
* AfterSchoolCleaningDuty: Being made to clean up after school.
* AsceticAesthetic: A setting that is very clean and simplistic, which is meant to be ominous.
* CatharticChores: Cleaning as a way of dealing with frustration or stress.
* ChildrenDoTheHousework: Children who do most of the chores.
* CleanupCrew: Characters whose job it is to clean up incriminating evidence.
* CreepyCleanliness: A clean area is meant to be creepy.
* ADayInHerApron: Someone incompetent has to do the cleaning when the one who usually does is out of commission.
* DirtForcefield: Dirt simply does not stick to some characters.
* TheDreadedToiletDuty: Someone is forced to clean toilets.
* EarCleaning: Using a stick/swab to clean your own or someone else's ears.
* FanserviceCarWash: Washing a car for {{Fanservice}}'s sake.
* FrenchMaid: A sexy female housekeeper who uses GratuitousFrench.
* {{Househusband}}: A married man who does most of the chores.
* {{Housewife}}: A married woman who does most of the chores.
* JanitorImpersonationInfiltration: Using a janitor's disguise to get past the guards.
* KidsHateChores: A kid hates having to do chores.
* LaundromatLiaisons: Having a conversation at a laundromat.
* LazyHusband: A man lazes around the house while his wife does all the cleaning.
* LivingInAFurnitureStore: Someone's house is always tidy.
* MaidCorps: An army of hundreds of servants.
* {{Meido}}: A cute (not in a sexy way) female housekeeper.
* MenCantKeepHouse: A man's house will be a mess without a woman to clean it.
* MusicalChores: Singing while you clean.
* NeatFreak: Someone who wants everything clean at all times.
* NinjaMaid: A maid who [[ActionGirl knows kung fu]].
* ObsessiveCompulsiveBarkeeping: A bartender who cleans glasses a lot.
* RedSockRuinsTheLaundry: A deep-colored piece of fabric stains the whole load of laundry with its color.
* RobotMaid: A housekeeper who's a robot.
* RomanceInducingSmudge: A smudge that leads one person to clean it, which in turn leads to romance.
* SculleryMaid: A maid who is considered the lowest-ranking of the servants.
* ShrunkInTheWash: A piece of clothing gets smaller when washed.
* SoullessBedroom: Someone who lacks emotions has an unnaturally clean bedroom with few or no personal possessions.
* SpitShine: Cleaning with your own spit.
* SpringCleaningFever: Cleaning up and treating it as SeriousBusiness.
* SprintScrubbing: Mopping the floor with a wet towel while running.
* SweepingAshes: A corpse's ashes get swept up.
* SwipeYourBladeOff: Making a swiping motion to get blood off a sword.
* ToothbrushFloorScrubbing: Scrubbing the floor with a toothbrush.
* WashMeGraffiti: A joke where someone writes a message on a dirty surface to ask that it be cleaned.
* WashyWatchy: Watching the laundry spin in the washing machine is treated as great entertainment.
* WhiteGloveTest: Using gloves or a cloth to check if something's clean.