"Badass Baritone" may refer to one of the following:

* AuthoritySoundsDeep: A socially powerful character has a deep voice.
* BaritoneOfStrength: A strong character is given a deep, strong-sounding voice to match.
* EvilSoundsDeep: An evil character has a deep, sinister voice.
* PowerMakesYourVoiceDeep: A character's voice becomes deeper after they gain some sort of power.
* ResizedVocals: A character's voice becomes deeper when they grow bigger, but becomes high-pitched when they shrink.
* SecretIdentityVocalShift: A character changes voice while in costume, including characters whose voices become deeper.
* ShiftingVoiceOfMadness: A character's mental instability is indicated through an inconsistent speech pattern or multiple speech patterns that the character rapidly switches between.
* TomboyishVoice: A tomboy with a deep voice.

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