''This is an index for tropes when characters have limbs, extremities, or even organs that can be removed or replaced without harm, and that can live and even act on their own.''
Related indexes:
+ AnatomyArsenal
+ LivingApart
+ RobotRollCall
+ {{Shapeshifting}}
+ TropesOutOnALimb
* AbnormalLimbRotationRange: A character can rotate their body parts beyond their normal limits.
* AnimateBodyParts: A body part with no "body" has its own sentience.
* AppendageAssimilation: Regenerating limbs by stealing someone else's.
* ArtificialLimbs: Limbs that have been replaced with prosthetics but are just as useful.
* ArtificialLimbsAreStronger: Characters with fake limbs are incredibly strong.
* BreakingInOldHabits: Someone gets a hand replacement. [[IllBeInMyBunk They instantly decide to use it to masturbate with.]]
* CognizantLimbs: Video game bosses with limbs acting as their own enemy unit.
* CraniumChase: Literally losing your head and having to chase after it.
* DetachmentCombat: The ability to divide one's body into parts for combat.
* DetachableLowerHalf
* DismembermentIsCheap: Lost a limb? Just give them a new one and forget the whole thing ever happened.
* EasilyDetachableRobotParts: A robot having parts of its body removed has no negative effect.
* ElectronicEyes: Prosthetic eyes made from electronics.
* EvilHand: A limb (usually a hand) suddenly has the power of possessing someone.
* EyeSpy: Detaching or stretching one's eye to see something better.
* FakeArmDisarm: Enemies target someone's artificial limb rather than their real body part.
* GoodProstheticEvilProsthetic: Characters' moral alignments are shown by whether their prosthetic parts are simple and non-threatening, or hulking and intimidating.
* IronicallyDisabledArtist: Can apply to artists with missing or disabled limbs whose work is expected to be affected by their disabilities, such as one-handed instrumentalists or one-legged dancers.
* HelpingHands: A character's hand is severed, but it has its own sentience and continues to be a threat.
* HookHand: A person whose hand is replaced with a hook.
* LegoBodyParts: Characters' body parts are swapped around, usually for comedy.
* LosingYourHead: Decapitation that doesn't kill the victim.
* OrganAutonomy: Body parts that have their own mind and can influence whoever they are attached to.
* PlugNPlayProsthetics: Realistically, getting used to a prosthetic limb takes time. In fiction, all it takes it just plugging it in.
* ProstheticLimbReveal: A character does not appear to have prosthetic limbs, but it's revealed so later.
* PullingThemselvesTogether: A character who has been blown to pieces just re-attaches all their body parts and is fine once again.
* RocketPunch: An arm doubling as a self-propelled projectile.
* SeadogPegLeg: Sailor or pirate with a fake (usually wooden) leg.
* SerialProstheses: A character has their body parts progressively replaced by prosthetics.
* SwissArmyAppendage: An artificial body prosthetic with many other uses besides just replacement.
* WhoNeedsTheirWholeBody: Someone manages to keep on going, even with part of their body missing.
* WhoEvenNeedsABrain: A character lacks a brain; but they're fine.