Merely using an axe is not a trope on its own. Here's a list of tropes that may apply instead:

* AxeBeforeEntering: Breaking a door down with an axe.
* BarbaricBattleaxe: Axes are associated with barbaric characters.
* BrutishCharacterBrutishWeapon: A brutish character uses an equally barbaric weapon such as an axe.
* DeusAxMachina: Conveniently placed emergency fire axes.
* NationalWeapon: A weapon is closely associated with a particular cultural group.
* WeaponBasedCharacterization: A character's choice of weapon says something about them.
* WeaponsOfTheirTrade: A character fights with the tools of their trade (e.g. a lumberjack fights with an axe).
* WeaponSpecialization: A character gravitates toward a specific weapon or type of weapon.

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