An index dealing with finding a safe place to hide or trying to hide something from someone.

See also: HiddenEvil, QuirkyGood, MoreThanMeetsTheEye, HiddenBadass, TheSecretIndex.

Compare DisguiseTropes.

* AirVentPassageway: Character(s) crawl through an air vent.
* AlwaysCheckBehindTheChair: In a video game, the player will want to check every nook and cranny to see if they've missed something.
* BatmanInMyBasement: It's up to a child to hide a character away from their parents and/or others.
* BehindAStick: In cartoonish fashion, a character somehow hides behind something too small to do so.
* BehindTheBlack: If the audience doesn't see it, neither do the characters--even if they should be able to.
* BookSafe: Hollowing out a book to keep something in the pages.
* CargoConcealmentCaper: Infiltrating/escaping into/out from a location via hiding in a cargo shipment.
* CarpetRolledCorpse: Alive or dead, a body is wrapped and carried in a carpet.
* CeilingCling: A character clings to the ceiling to avoid being seen.
* ClosetGay: A character is hiding their sexual orientation.
* ClosetShuffle: Character A has to hide Character B fast--so into the closet they go.
* ClosetSublet: Character is living in another character's closet.
* CoffinContraband: A coffin is used to sneak in or conceal something.
* ColdCash: Using the fridge/freezer to stash away money and other valuables.
* ComeOutComeOutWhereverYouAre: What the villain may or may not mockingly say when searching for someone.
* ConcealingCanvas: A painting covers a safe.
* ContainerCling: A character is hiding within something--when it's picked up by someone searching for them, they cling to the top to hide.
* ConstructiveBodyDisposal: Hiding a dead body in a structure as it's being put up.
* CrammingTheCoffin: Hiding a body in a coffin already scheduled for burial.
* CurtainCamouflage: Hiding behind a simple curtain.
* DangerTakesABackSeat: Someone dangerous is hiding in the backseat of a character's car.
* DeadMansChest: Stuffing a body in a chest or similar box to hide it.
* DecoyHidingPlace: It looks like a character has hidden somewhere, but they've actually hidden in some other, less obvious place.
* DiscouragingConcealment: Hiding something by disguising it as something that people would not want to investigate further.
* DisposingOfABody: Post-death (murder, accident, etc.), someone has to dispose of the corpse before anyone else finds out.
* DumbwaiterRide: Hiding in a dumbwaiter.
* FranticObjectConcealment: Someone needs to hide something (probably embarrassing) fast.
* EmergencyStash: A character has stashed supplies in case of an emergency.
* GarbageHideout: Hiding in a garbage can.
* GoneBehindTheBend: Two or more characters are chasing each other in circles. One manages to disappear somehow.
* HammerspaceHideaway: Hiding inside something realistically too small to do so.
* HaplesslyHiding: A character makes themselves hidden, only to find themselves at the receiving end of humiliating humor or harmful suffering.
* HesJustHiding: An AudienceReaction--when fans refuse to believe a character is truly dead.
* HiddenBuxom: Big-breasted characters manage to conceal said breasts.
* HiddenDepths: Character(s) has more to them than meets the eye.
* HiddenInPlainSight: Hiding by slipping in with public surroundings.
* HiddenSupplies: A character has prepared by hidden weapons, money and/or other sundries.
* HidingFromEmbarrassment: A character is stuck hiding because being seen to leave would be socially awkward.
* HideTheEvidence: A character hides incriminating evidence away from others.
* HideYourChildren: It's rare for children to be killable in video games. This trope happens when an exception is made.
* HideYourLesbians: Characters ''are'' in a homosexual relationship, but said relationship is never outright confirmed.
* HideYourPregnancy: Finding ways to hide an actress' real-life pregnancy.
* HidingTheHandicap: A character with a disability hides it from others.
* InexplicableCorneredEscape: A trapped character hides/escapes offscreen at the last second before discovery.
* InsideAWall: A character hides inside the walls of a building.
* ItWasThereTheWholeTime: The audience becomes aware of an entity or object being in the scene, and they were unaware of it beforehand.
* JailBake: Hiding something in a cake to be given to prisoners.
* LooseFloorboardHidingSpot: A loose floorboard used to use underneath.
* {{Masquerade}}: Some group/species/organization must hide its existence from society.
* MonsterCloset: A seemingly innocent wall is actually hosting someone dangerous.
* NeonSignHideout: The villain's hideout is surrounded by signs/lights denoting what it is.
* OutcastRefuge: A (relatively) safe place for oppressed/outcast peoples to hide.
* PelicanPackagePouch: The pouch of a pelican's beak is used to carry something.
* PuzzleBox: A box that requires solving a puzzle to unlock it.
* RightUnderTheirNoses: Something or someone hides in the most obvious place.
* RunAwayHideAway: The designated hideaway for a character to flee to when they're on the run.
* SafeBehindTheCorner: A character hiding behind a corner will never be discovered.
* SavedByTheCoffin: A character hides inside a coffin.
* SecretCompartment: A special compartment inside an everyday item keeps things hidden from prying eyes.
* SeekingSanctuary: A character seeks refuge in a church or other holy site.
* SentIntoHiding: A character is kept hidden from the rest of society.
* SickbedSmuggling: A banned item being snuck to a hospitalized person.
* SmugglingWithDolls: Hiding contraband items inside toys and figurines.
* SwallowTheKey: Concealing a key by swallowing it.
* TakeCover: Character(s) hide behind something to avoid attack.
* ToyDisguise: A small creature can pass off as a common toy.
* TreasureChestCavity: Hiding something inside a living body.
* TrouserSpace: A character takes something hidden from their pants--specifically, around the groin area.
* UndersideRide: Clinging on to the underside of something moving.
* VictoriasSecretCompartment: A woman hides something in her cleavage. Or lower down.
* WainscotSociety: Society within a society.
* WallpaperCamouflage: Hiding by blending in with the wallpaper or furniture.
* YouCanRunButYouCantHide: A common, mocking phrase called out by a pursuer.