''Ice Crown'' is a ScienceFiction novel by Creator/AndreNorton.

The planet Clio had been seeded by the now gone Psychocrats, whose experiments are invariably sealed when found, for fear of what discovering their origin will do to the inhabitants. The possibility of a Forerunner installation, however, has Roane accompanying her Uncle Offlas and cousin Sandar to an attempt to secretly retrieve it.

Roane, however, stumbles into a princess's kidnapping and becomes deeply involved in the FeudalFuture world and learning what the Psychocrats did.

!!Tropes included
* AbusivePrecursors: The Psychocrats
* ActionDressRip: Princess Ludorica does this once Roane has broken her loose; her skirt won't let her run
* AdvancedAncientAcropolis: The lure that brought them to the planet.
* AFatherToHisMen: Nelis Imfry, leading to their loyalty
* AFriendInNeed: Roane; the locals are shocked that she would be rejected for it.
* AfterActionPatchup: Roane for Nelis Imfry
* AlienNonInterferenceClause: Human non-interference actually
* AllOfTheOtherReindeer: Roane's family does not treat her well.
* AngryGuardDog: The dire hounds. Hiding behind them works very well.
* ArrangedMarriage: Imfry mentions his sister was "ringed" to the son of his father's best friend.
* BeautyIsBad: Sandar is amazingly good looking; Nelis Imfry, less so.
* BecauseDestinySaysSo: Why Roane told Imfry -- according to Imfry.
* BotheringByTheBook: One rescuer jests that he is doing his duty.
* TheChase: A fake trail is set to distract from a man too wounded to move.
* ComeToGawk: Nelis Imfry is exposed as part of his punishment.
* CrownOfPower: On the planet Clio, the ruler of each country wears a high-technology crown. It is a MindControlDevice that gives the ruler the ability to control every citizen of their nation.
* DamselInDistress: Princess Ludorica, abducted from her bed and chained
* DamselOutOfDistress: Princess Ludorica thinks quickly even while prisoner.
* DancesAndBalls: The princess is looking forward to one, in a place where she thinks herself safe.
* DistressedDude: Nelis Imfry, charged with crimes once the Ice Crown controls the new queen
* DreamApocalypse: Threatened, but by a madman
* DreamSpying: Roane does this once.
* DueToTheDead: The new queen and her women wear formal mourning for the king.
* FeudalFuture: Kings, nobles, etc.
* GiveMeLibertyOrGiveMeDeath: Nelis concludes that the dangers of breaking the device are worth it.
* GodSaveUsFromTheQueen: Under the crown's influence.
* HeirClubForMen: Downplayed: the king would have preferred a prince, but his granddaughter can inherit.
* HumanSacrifice: Roane saw one in the BackStory.
* LoveAtFirstSight: Downplayed; Roane merely finds Nelis Imfry striking.
* MaybeMagicMaybeMundane: Roane doesn't believe something is destiny but only pure chance.
* MindControlDevice: the crowns, with a long reach
* NiceToTheWaiter: The princess remembers those presented to her once, and knows peasant customs.
* TheOathBreaker: Princess Ludorica realizes she let slip too much to Roane.
* ObstructiveCodeOfConduct: Roane must not make contact
* ParentalAbandonment: All the main characters
* ParentalFavoritism: Uncle Offlas toward Sandar
* ParentalSubstitute: Uncle Offlas appears to be Roane's guardian; her parents are never mentioned
* ThePardon: When Princess Ludorica thinks Roane a smuggler, she promises this and money to for help.
* ReasonableAuthorityFigure: Princess Ludorica says that her grandfather is quite right to use her as a tool to save the country.
* RequisiteRoyalRegalia: The title crown, and those of other countries. They are used as mind control devices
* {{Ruritania}}: IN SPACE!
* SecretUndergroundPassage: For penetrating the city.
* SuccessionCrisis: The disappearing Ice Crown is a problem -- she has a cousin whose title is not as good as hers, but if he gets the crown. . . .
* TextileWorkIsFeminine: An inn maid mentions she made the clothes Roane's getting.
* TheyHaveTheScent: The Duke insists the hound master try for this.
* ThickerThanWater: At the end, used to explain a relationship.
* WakingUpElsewhere: Roane and the princess are drugged in a coach, and get this trope
* YoungestChildWins: Clio practices ultimogeniture.