* Applebloom is easily the most understanding and patient person Trixie can have in her life. No small task [[{{Tsundere}} given]] [[SmallNameBigEgo Trixie's demeanor]].
-->'''Applebloom''': You look nice when you ain't scowling all the time.
* As soon as you see Fluttershy standing in the spot where you meet Shadow, [[LateArrivalSpoiler you know it's coming]]. You know what will happen when you reach the end of the game alive and watch with desperation and [[TearJerker tears in your eyes]] as Fluttershy shoos Angel away, [[DrivenToSuicide no longer feeling worthy of life]] after killing so many innocent creatures and watch as the kindest, sweetest member of the Mane Cast resigns herself to death. [[spoiler: Not if Rainbow Dash has [[BigDamnHeroes anything to say about it]]]].
* Rarity's [[BigBrotherInstinct Big Sister Instinct]] towards Sweetie Belle in general.