* "Real" features Kendrick contemplating his life choices after the events of "Sing About Me, Dying of Thirst", all while interlaced with the voicemails of his mother and father (who've appeared as comedic relief throughout the album) comforting him about the death of his friend. His mother in particular encourages him to follow up a call to Top Dawg Entertainment and "give back to the kids" and "to his town" as a way to encourage those same kids to not fall into the darker side of their city, being Compton.
* The ending of "Mortal Man" off of ''To Pimp a Butterfly''. Hearing Kendrick talk to [[Music/TupacShakur Pac]] can be seen as Kendrick talking to someone he admires despite Pac being dead for two decades.
* "Auntie Diaries" has Kendrick admit to learning his cousin came out as a transwoman, not only accepting her as who she is despite knowing her as a man for most of her life, but condemning himself for young, immature homophobia, which he points out is also because one didn't know better through ignorance.
* This line from "YAH.":
->''My latest muse is my niece, she worth livin'
-> See me on the TV and scream: 'That's Uncle Kendrick!'''