* Episode 4 reveals that Marcus and Frankie are still together, and very much in love, in 1986.
* In the 1957 flashback of the series finale, Hawk asks Tim to penetrate him. While Hawk's number of sexual partners over the course of his lifetime was certainly well into triple digits, it seems very likely that in Hawk's entire adult life, Tim was the only man who touched him in that particular way. This highlights the depth of what they shared.
* In spite of the fact that he didn't get to spend his life with Hawk, Tim nonetheless lived a very full, meaningful life. He was very loved by his friends and community, and got to do important, meaningful work right up until the end.
* In one of several tearjerking-and-heartwarming moments in the series finale, Lucy asks Tim how much he means to her husband. Tim does not (and probably cannot) directly answer. However, on her way out of the hospital room, Lucy notices Hawk's shaving kit on Tim's night table, Hawk's shirt hanging from a hook on the wall, and a cot next to Tim's bed. This indirectly answers Lucy's question by letting her and the audience know that Hawk has barely left Tim's side since Tim went into the hospital.
* Hawk visiting the AIDS Memorial Quilt and [[spoiler:coming out to his daughter Kimberly in the series finale. He tells her that Tim "wasn't my friend. He was the man I loved."]]
** Another heartwarming aspect of this interaction is the fact that Kimberly already knew, or at least strongly suspected, that her father and Tim had been lovers. But she did not press Hawk to confirm this, in case he was not ready to do so. [[spoiler:And as it turns out, he was ready to tell her.]]