!The Blog Cast:
* Any of Power's interactions with Lemmy or Miyu.
** One of the greatest moments between Power and Lemmy is the finale to the fifth arc, when Power [[spoiler: has Lemmy take him to when she was two so he can read her a story to put her to sleep.]] Seeing Power try so hard to be a good father, especially when he thinks he won't be around for her, is just adorable.
* When Power [[spoiler: begins to copy moves from his friends and anime]], one of the moves he uses is a shout-out to [[Anime/TengenToppaGurrenLagann the I've-Got-The-Best-Wife-In-The-Universe SWING!]], simply replacing "Wife" with "Fiance". Unlike the other moves, however, he [[spoiler: uses his natural voice, instead of trying to copy Dyakka's]], showing that despite [[spoiler: having to leave her]], Power truly did care about Tsuruya,
* During Power's Double Road speech, the images of those who have died and those who will surpass him appear as those Power wants to honor. Among them, [[Franchise/{{Pokemon}} Akagi]], Magnesteel and Lai are shown. All three were [[BigBad Big Bads]] at one time or another. And Power has truly honored them in the fight. (Akagi wanting to make a world without war, Magnesteel wanting to defeat death and Lai having been killed by Frank.)
* As noted on the main page, Power's attempt to stay together with Tsuruya, knowing they would inevitably split up, shows how much he really did love her.
* In episode 26 of the F-Kira arc, Shinobu defending Jerrica from Aisha's psychical and verbal attacks, followed by her saying she's very proud of Jerrica.

* Power giving Todoroki the leadership badge in Rewrite, telling him [[Anime/TengenToppaGurrenLagann it looks good on him.]] Followed by a shout-out to the first episode of ''Manga/NinjaNonsense''.
--> '''Shinobu''': It's true. You really can't buy great memories.

!Blog Cast Evolution:
* In Episode 6, Power asks Miyu why she didn't want to become Lai's heiress. Miyu responses by saying that she just loves traveling with Power more.
** Power has a similar moment in Episode 7 when, presented with a world where Kaede is alive, he still chooses to travel with Miyu, stating he enjoys traveling with her too.
