New entries on the bottom.


[[folder:Psychic Scourge]]

* Just ''how'' does the Psychic Scourge device '''work'''? Ok, we know the device was used by Possessed Drogan to summon Nemeroth. But before his possession Drogan seemed on the edge of completing it (as evidenced in the audio skulls). He states in one log that the warp energy 'attacks the psychic parts of the creatures brain'; and leaves the Humans unscathed. But how would it affect the Orks? They have a seperate collective psychic field outside the warp(the WAAAGH!), so they can't be corrupted by Chaos or mutated by it. I can only imagine the device works by tapping into the Waaagh and filling it with warp energy (which would logically work at doing something terrible to the Orks as warp energy would be anathema within the Ork psychic field). It isn't helped that Drogan mentions in another log of doing experiments on the tau, who little to no warp presence. If anyone could fill holes in my knowledge, cheers.
** Just about all creatures have some psychic parts of their brains. The Psychic Scourge works by targeting and destroying said parts of their brains. Orks' psychic abilities still come from the Warp (Weirdboyz still have to roll Perils of the Warp, for example) but they're much more resistant to corruption. That doesn't mean a psychic attack won't explode their brains (which happens to Weirdboyz often enough). Ditto for the tau; they still have a warp presence, but it is very limited. The Scourge, from what I gathered, could be keyed to target anything that wasn't human (and could still kill humans, in case someone needed to do a clean Exterminatus). Of course, the Scourge could also be used to open a Warp Gateway, or at least the Power Source could be used as such. Who knows, maybe Drogan was completely out of his gourd and was being prodded in that direction by Chaos the whole time. It's happened to Inquisitors before.
** Thank you!
** Side note: Orks are not immune to Chaos corruption, just very resistant to it due to their single mindedness.



* Those weapon-shrines. Why keep weapons locked up in there, on the off chance that a SpaceMarine might come by and need it, especially since you can see the same weapons lying around (in Guard encampments no less, who can't even use them...)
** Those were dropped in from orbit for Marines to use.
** About weapon-shrines: I guess it's the same as the titan, the whole planet makes weapons, which are meant to be used off-world. I think the shrines will give the weapons not only to space marines, but also the inquisition, battle sisters, etc. The shrines will probabaly even give the weapons to higher-ranked elite guardsmen.
** The population of a forge world would be brought up to literally worship technology. The weapon shrines would be like an Imperial church having the finger bone of a saint.



* How IS Titus immune to the Warp's energies?
** The Emperor did it. It's the warp, logic is ancillary.
** Alternatively: Titus is a Khornate servant.
** Alternatively alternatively: He could be an Untouchable (if a Space Marine can even be one that is, don't think the fluff has said one way or another)
** That's another term for Blanks right? In 40k Psykers go ''both'' ways. As in: He could be an anti-Psyker, and therefore resistant to Warp effects (though any Librarian in the Ultramarines wouldn't enjoy being near him at all). See Gunner Jurgen in the Literature/CiaphasCain series for an example of a higher-level Blank
** In a non-guessing answer, the game offers no answer. Maybe a sequel will tell us, maybe not.
** The [[Literature/GauntsGhosts Armour of Contempt]].
** He's not a Blank; they make other nervous just by being around them and tend to be sociopathic, neither of which describes Titus in the slightest. The resistance might just be a random mutation on his part or even an unusual reaction to his genetic enhancement, something that does happen to Space Marines sometimes.



* What are those dots on Titus's forehead? He looks like he's got a couple of nails driven into his skull.
** Service studs. Usually represent a century of service.


[[folder:Chaos Sorcerers and Bloodletters]]

* Nemeroth is a Chaos Sorcerer, why is he able to command Bloodletters?
** You know, the whole 'Khorne never uses Sorcerers' thing is ''really stupid''. How do you summon Bloodletters otherwise? Wave a sharp stick around until they just pop out of the air? Besides, Nemeroth seems to follow Chaos Undivided, and they tend to be more fluid about those things.
** Khorne hates magic, but it's not like he never uses it (magic wargear, etc.)
** To add on: Khorne hates magic not because of magic itself, but because a large part of what magic does doesn't jive with his theme. As a Chaos manifestation of martial bloodletting, he would obviously see the advantages of magical teleporation/speed towards the enemy, daemon swords, and even possessed bolters and cannons, but he'll roar his discontent at a sorceror firing off a bolt of chaos literally out of nowhere instead of getting his hands dirty.
** Remember, this is also a game made by Relic. They've had Khornate Sorcerers in almost all of the Dawn of War series. Though, as everyone above has said, Khorne disapproves of Sorcery in the manner of using ''only'' Sorcery to fight. Using it to supplement/increase your effectiveness in combat? A-okay in his book.
** Plus Nemeroth and his warband are followers of Chaos Undivided. They can use Khornate daemons if they like (although just ''once'' I'd like a game to feature daemonettes or horrors instead).
** Nemeroth wants basic kill-a-lot-quickly demons to supplement his forces so going with Bloodleters was a sensible choice; less faffing around than the others. As to the above post's desire to see the other gods demons in a game ''VideoGame/MordheimCityOfTheDamned'' is your friend.


[[folder:Smart Orks]]

* I was always under the impression that the orks acting smart (using big guns instead of looting them, etc) was because they were being manipulated by Chaos. Is that the case, or are they actually smart (see GeniusBruiser for the warboss)?
** Probably a mix of both, although your average ork is smart enough to know to use giant guns rather than loot them (unless they have a [[MadScientist mekboy]] with them. Orks would never waste perfectly good Dakka unless they thought they could make even more Dakka out of what they wasted (and given [[ClapYourHandsIfYouBelieve the way ork science works]] if they think they can they usually can).
** Warhammer 40K lore specifically states that Blood Axe orks and warbosses actually understand strategy and cunning far better than most other orks, including the use of commandos and turning a foe's weapon against them. It's highly possible that Grimskull was a Blood Axe warboss (his "Cybork" arm means he's no Snakebite ork for sure).
** Orks get smarter the longer they live. Since Orks are eternally young, a Warboss could become very kunnin' given enough time and gitz ta fight.


[[folder:Easing Leandros' Worries]]
* Why didn't Titus say something like "Tell the Company Chaplain I will have need of his guidance upon my return" to Leandros before heading off on the final mission? That way he assures his subordinate that he isn't ignoring the possibility that he might be tainted by Chaos, only deferring the matter until the immediate crisis is resolved. And under the Codex Astartes, the Chaplain is the person any such allegations should be made to in the first place, not the Inquisition.
** At this point in the story, Titus has already called Leandros out on being a dogmatist and been ignored. Plus, he's got a Chaos warlord to kill. He's got bigger problems than making sure the rookie isn't fussy.
** Leandros should already know to speak with the Company Chaplain about the matter. It's written in the Codex he espouses so much in big bold letters. Titus doesn't dismiss his concerns out of hand, he makes it clear that his warp resistance ''is'' troubling, but also points out that they do not have the ''luxury'' to sit around and figure out why.

[[folder:Not a single Techpriest in sight]]
* That soldier trying to repair the artillery raises a very good point, where are all the Techpriests? And the servitors? And the factory workers? And the menials? The only member of the [=AdMech=] to feature is Princeps Enoch, and even he doesn't appear in person. Even in terms of corpses, the only things you see on Graia are guardsmen and orks. Where are all the locals?
** Probably all dead or at least evacuated from the areas Titus goes to. One of the audio logs mentions the Skitarii have been wiped out, the rest would have no chance.