* On that topic, why does it make sense to kill a lot of birds to get eggs back?
** Same reason that people send soldiers to die for the freedom of millions, I suppose.
** Ignoring the first game, most of the franchise seems to imply that there is one of each type of bird ([[MesACrowd Blue aside]]), and that whenever you use a bird more than once per round, it's one of the previous birds coming back for more. ''Angry Birds 2'' seems to go by this theory, since you always get each bird once per level, and any bonus birds you get are not of a type still in the queue.
*** It is possible through a glitch that you can get the same bird card as one that you already have.
* The pigs stole your eggs. So you use white birds to drop more eggs on them?!
** ''Unfertilised eggs.'' Think about what kind of juice the birds need to be hopped up on to do the kind of things they do, then imagine using that for bombs.
*** That leads to: Why aren't the birds selling unfertilised eggs to the pigs?
*** [[ItsPersonal It's Personal]]. The way I see it, the pigs stole the birds' eggs once (then moved them around a bunch of times to let the game have more chapters), and ever since the birds have been unwilling to "give" the pigs their unfertilized eggs (in exchange for... money, or something) and the pigs have kept stealing their eggs back as vengeance for all the destruction the birds wrought and pigs they killed.
** [[http://angrybirds.wikia.com/wiki/Egg_Bomb Egg Bombs]]. That's their name from the wiki, and I swear it was officially mentioned at least once before.
* Why do the birds need slingshots when they're birds. They can fly. They don't look like no flightless birds to me!
** For the momentum.
*** Also, do you see wings on them? They're probably FLIGHTLESS birds.
** And who's pulling the slingshot?
** [[BreakingTheFourthWall You are, of course.]]
*** Perhaps supported by the fact that the pigs can directly mock you if you fail to kill them in ''Angry Birds 2''.
* What would pigs do with eggs anyway?
** Probably cook or eat them? Some of the official animations and ads show the pigs trying to cook the eggs.
** This actually makes sense. After all, pigs are known to be opportunistic omnivores in real life.
** It's AllThereInTheManual. According to ''The World of Angry Birds Official Guide'', the current ruler of Piggy Island must eat at least one egg in a lifetime, or else they will be overthrown. King Pig is secretly the only monarch who hasn't so, and he must obtain the eggs to fulfill tradition.
* On level 3-21 (the last level in poached eggs), you can see the eggs plain in sight. However, if you hit the eggs, they don't break. If the eggs don't break, then what are the birds so worried about? If they can't break the eggs, then the pigs probably can't either.
** I sure hope the birdies inside them can.
** Obviously the eggs can withstand the obstacles. And to answer your question, it could be possible that the birds weaken with age.
** Actually, Mighty can break them.
** Or it could be [[FriendlyFireproof this]].
* How can the pigs build all those houses, castles and fortresses when they have no limbs? How do they even walk?
** Maybe someone else built them and they moved in? Don't know about how they move.
** InvisibleAnatomy maybe?
*** Actually, this could make sense. The pigs (and the birds) are actually seen moving things this way in the cartoons and some of the cutscenes.
** They hop around to walk. Also, they proabaly build them by putting the supplies on their heads and placing them in the designated areas.​
* In the ''Angry Birds Stella'' episode "The Prankster" why does Stella fall so easily for Poppy's feather prank? She was perfectly aware that she going to be her next victim, suspected something when Poppy invited her for a drink of water, but then blindly decided that there was no way it could be a prank.
** ​Another question from the same episode: where did Poppy get that amount of red feathers, as there are ''no red birds in Golden Island''?
* Of all the ''Angry Birds'' characters, Hal (the green boomerang bird) [[DependingOnTheArtist had the most redesigns]] throughout the franchise's history. For reference, [[https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fw0qsgh48pn171.jpg here are some of them]]. With the many different inconsistencies these designs have (compare his early chunkier Seasons design to the more streamlined Toons one), are they even the same character? Or perhaps it's a OneSteveLimit scenario where all these green toucans share the name "Hal"? There is word on an [[https://angrybirds.fandom.com/wiki/Angryverse Angryverse]], where it is revealed that the various media of the ''Angry Birds'' franchise take place in different [[AlternateUniverse alternate universes]], which is passable for Hal's movie design. However, most of his designs (Classic, Chrome, Toons) fall within the same universe (Classic), adding further confusion.