Five appliances\\
Head for the city of light\\
To meet their master.
-->-- [[{{Tropers/Mcb0193}} Mcb0193]]

A cute toaster goes\\
With blanket, lamp, radio,\\
Also a vacuum.
-->-- [[{{Tropers/Iceguppie}} Iceguppie]]

Appliance story\\
[[FiveManBand Band of five]] seeks their master\\
Total [[NightmareFuel nightmare fuel]].
-->- [[{{Tropers/Stealth}} Stealth]]

Cars in the junkyard\\
They keep their eyes to the skies\\
Watching for Magnets.

Saw when I was six\\
''Worthless'' lead to bad nightmares\\
Never saw again.
-->- [[{{Tropers/TortTaura}} TortTaura]]

A little creepy\\
Parts shop of mutilation\\
Storekeeper clueless.
-->- [[{{Tropers/Norbitessert}} Norbitessert]]

It was a bad dream\\
Horrible nightmares it gives\\
It was a real thing.
-->- [[{{Tropers/shessa}} Shessa]]
