* A small one early on, when Light and Heart are still young, but seeing a T-Rex lose at arm wrestling is pretty funny now matter how you slice it.
* When we TimeSkip to an older Heart defeating a herd of titanosaurs by making them dizzy. He finishes off the last one standing by ''kickboxing it in the head'' and just as he lands, the titanosaur falls on him, sinking him partially into the ground.
* Heart taunting Gonza over his eaten tail after he invaded the T-Rexs’ territory for the aforementioned titanosaurs by wagging his tail up and ''mooning his butt at him''. Gonza is naturally mortified at this and calls it [[ThisIsUnforgivable unforgivable]]. He runs at him and Heart [[ScrewThisImOutOfHere runs for it]].
* Seeing Heart doing clap push-ups with his tiny arms and scaling cliffs with his feet (while preceding to get stuck) while also perfecting his ''dinosaur kung-fu and kickboxing'' is both Awesome and a hilarious sight to see.
* Just the sheer ''existence'' of the “demon dinosaur” predator trying [[spoiler:and failing]] to hunt Umasou. He’s supposed to be a ''Chilantaisaurus'' but he looks hilariously jarring next to every other character in the movie. Thankfully, [[spoiler:Heart saves Umasou by ''kicking the predator across the field'']] to Umasou’s amazement and confusion. Heart’s frustration at this is priceless!
* Heart being [[{{Squick}} slightly creeped out]] at Pero-Pero's licking antics.
* The TrainingMontage counts as well. Heart starts by training Umasou how to dodge, by hunting him. He learns so well he trips Heart, who promptly [[FacePlant faceplants]] into a cliff. Next, we see Heart training Umasou how to use his tailclub - which Umasou demonstrates by promptly [[AgonyOfTheFeet whacking Heart in the shin]]. Heart patiently attempts to get Umasou to practice by smashing trees down instead - and he gets so good at it, he celebrates by [[RunningGag whacking Heart in the shin]] ''again.'' While practising his tail-swings, Umasou effectively breakdances. Also, [[RunningGag Heart scales the cliff with his feet but with little Umasou on his head]]. He’s once again stuck but with Umasou safe and sound. It ends with both this and a SugarWiki/{{Heartwarming Moment|s}}, when Heart teaches Umasou how to roar. Can a baby Ankylosaur roar? You bet!