* "[[DissonantSerenity Hold on to those eggs, dear.]]" [[TearJerker It's sad]] that they don't survive the destruction of California, though.
* Yuri commands a car's engine to start, which does.
--> '''Yuri''': Voice control, they sold me on it!
* Tamara giving Yuri [[FlippingTheBird the finger]].
* At one point, Gordon says to Kate, [[TemptingFate "I just feel like there's something]] [[ExactWords pulling us apart."]] [[CutawayGag Cue a huge fissure]] [[DramaticIrony opening between them.]]
-->'''WebVideo/CinemaSins''': Devastating cataclysmic Earth event has a sense of humor.
* The DeathGlare Gordon gives Jackson when he accidentially backs into his Porsche while attempting to flee Los Angeles, sending it falling into a large chasm.
-->'''Jackson''': Sorry.
* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZuL2b7tITU It's ''Russian''.]]
* Charlie's little video. And Jackson's [[https://i1.wp.com/caps.pictures/201/0-2012/full/2012-movie-screencaps.com-3654.jpg?strip=all reaction]] to said video.
* This reaction after the scientists explain how the Earth's crust shifted and the magnetic poles reversed their polarity.
--> So you're...you're tell me the north pole is now somewhere in ''Wisconsin?''
--> Actually, that's the south pole now.
* The Arnold {{Expy}} Governor with the same accent.
* "The Governor just said we're fine now." - [[LeaningOnTheFourthWall "THE GUY'S AN ACTOR! HE'S READING A SCRIPT!!!"]]