* Early on, before things get real, we meet [[VideoGame/{{Mother3}} Lucas and Claus]] who meet the party. Where the funny part is, is Claus' nickname for Yu(u)ka. Name in question? Miss Shotakon. [[LoliconAndShotacon Now to see what exactly that means...]]
* Mima suggesting that everybody should marry Marisa.
* Satori's EngagingConversation with Mima.
* ''Return of Touhou Mother'' chapter 3. During the time with Yuka and Mima, you'll come across Elly who are willing to help them. You're thinking maybe we get another support character, but instead, [[BaitAndSwitch Yuka uses her as a shield.]]
** The same things happens when you find three planes, you maybe think we'll use them. Instead, [[BaitAndSwitch they ride a flying house.]]
* When Marisa and Alice end up in the same room for the first time in the sequel, Yuka and Mima immediately start LampshadeHanging how the game endorses [[PortmanteauCoupleName Malice.]]