* The Borg running a business in ''Blood of Heroes''. Everything about the Borg running a business.
** In one scene, the Borg, after passing through the wormhole with a fleet of over a thousand ships, beam a flyer onto the Wormhole Station, reading "You can't resist these prices!"
** They hire someone to represent them as a public face and as their attorney to navigate the Borg-confounding rules and laws of being a business, as well as handle their PR. What species out of the two universes do they hire? [[http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/f/f3/Labria.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/270?cb=20061120112021 A Devaronian]]
-->[[spoiler:"I'm Romal," the Devaronian said. "I speak for the Borg."\\
Admiral Yunar looked him over. "You don't look like a Borg," he remarked.\\
"No, admiral, I'm their attorney."]]