Ch. 10 ("The Art of Cook-Fu")
* Kazuma is about to battle a young boy working for Sun-Ni. But, the battle is quickly ended when Kazuma [[{{Groin Attack}} gets kicked in the crotch]] by said boy.
** "Kazuma got defeated by a ten-year old!"
* Right after that scene, [[{{Crack Defeat}} Kartik gives the kid money to buy candy, which the kid promptly does]]. It's [[{{Lampshade Hanging}} lampshaded]] when Z.G. points out that Kartik was cheating. Kartik then points out that it would've been wrong to beat up a little kid.

Ch. 14 ("Welcome Back, Roscoe Delacroix")
* The scene where the Hyperion is ascending (and then descending) Reverse Mountain.

Ch. 17 ("Enter the Stowaways")
* The scene where the Capricorn Pirates are trying to name the pigeon that flew onto the ship.

Ch. 23 ("The Tuxedo Penguin Pirates")
* Toward the end of the chapter, Drusilla, Z.G., and Karin are in a clothing store, when Karin is complaining that they don't sell bikinis or cocktail dresses.
** "Karin, why won’t you learn that this store probably doesn’t carry anything that shows off your cleavage?"