* After Rob tells a female coworker that Bucky was being "funny" that morning:
-->'''Coworker''': Aw, you have a funny kitty? What kind of cute stories can you tell?
-->'''Rob''': "Cute" stories? '''My''' cat?! Oh....No, no. He's not funny in a "ha ha" kind of way. It's more of a "Good Lord, no!" kind of deal.
* This strip from an arc about the strip's new editor:
-->'''Bucky''': Excuse me, I am inquiring as to when we will be dinnerfying tonight.
-->'''Rob''': Dinnerfying?
-->'''Bucky''': Dinnerying. Session de chew. Eatification.
-->'''Rob''': You know, I don't think your editor's very smart...
-->'''Bucky''': Nonsense. Me editor am smartastic.
* [[http://www.gocomics.com/getfuzzy/2004/09/15 Bucky's paranoia gets validated.]]
* [[http://www.gocomics.com/getfuzzy/2004/10/25 How to handle 3rd party voters.]]
* [[http://www.gocomics.com/getfuzzy/1999/12/20 "MUPPET KILLER!"]]
* In one strip, Bucky asks Rob for his Red Sox cap because "B is for Bucky". Rob refuses and Bucky warns him of revenge. Next strip: cue Bucky walking past Rob with a new [[{{Troll}} Yankees]] cap on and [[https://www.gocomics.com/getfuzzy/2001/07/17 Rob's face is pure outrage.]]
* Bucky [[http://www.gocomics.com/getfuzzy/2012/06/30 writes a cover blurb for his own as-yet-unwritten book.]]
-->'''Bucky''': Listen: ''Three out of four people prefer reading this book over the leading toothpaste.''\\
'''Satchel''': Wait. [[DumbassHasAPoint So 25% of people prefer to be entertained by toothpaste than by your book?]]\\
'''Bucky''': ...
* [[http://www.gocomics.com/getfuzzy/2011/05/16 All your treat are belong to us]]. A reference, of course, to [[TranslationTrainwreck the infamous line "All your base are belong to us"]] from the intro to ''VideoGame/ZeroWing''.
* [[http://www.gocomics.com/getfuzzy/1999/10/12 The water dish "system."]]
* [[http://www.gocomics.com/getfuzzy/1999/10/15 Bucky's favorite card game.]]
* InsaneTrollLogic [[http://www.gocomics.com/getfuzzy/1999/10/23 at its finest.]]
* [[http://www.gocomics.com/getfuzzy/1999/11/11 Another Bucky]] NoodleIncident.
* After Satchel has a "dog conference" with all the neighborhood dogs, Bucky tries to convince Rob to let him have a "cat conference". Rob doesn't let him, since every cat Bucky knows is just as mean and psychotic as he. Bucky tries another tactic...
-->'''Bucky''': Okay, Robbo, let's talk deals here. What's it gonna take for you to let me have my cat conference here?
-->'''Rob''': Nothing. I seriously doubt you could even swear on [[Literature/TheBible the Good Book]] enough that nothing disastrous would happen to make me change my mind.
-->''*Bucky walks away, returns 15 minutes later, holding a book*''
-->'''Bucky''': Here. [[LiteralMinded I stood on this and said every bad word I could think of.]]
-->'''Rob''': What is that...''Richard Scarry's Best Rainy Day Book Ever''?
-->'''Bucky''': It's a very good book.
* [[https://www.gocomics.com/getfuzzy/2000/01/17 Rob's awful perfume ad]]. Rob [[OldShame begs them to turn it off]], then...
-->'''Rob''': ''(sticking his fingers in his ears)'' [[IgnoringBySinging AAAAAAAAAA! I CAN'T HEAR YOU!]]
** [[https://www.gocomics.com/getfuzzy/2000/01/18 The next day's strip]] is even funnier.
-->'''Bucky''': ''(wearing Rob's glasses and mocking him)'' I'M ROB WILCO! I WORK IN ADVERTISING! BUY MY STUFF! NYUCK! NYUCK! NYUCK! I'M NOT EVIL! MY FOCUS GROUP STINKS!
-->'''Satchel''': ''(to an annoyed Rob)'' Ha! Ha! Ha! YOU say that, Rob!
* In one storyline, another cat says that Bucky owes him money. The reason? Bucky bet that [[LogicBomb the Patriots would win the World Series]]. [[note]] For those unfamiliar with American sports, the Patriots are a football team and the World Series is a baseball championship. In other words, [[GretzkyHasTheBall the Patriots being in them at all is impossible]]. [[/note]]
* Also counts as a ''slight'' SugarWiki/{{Heartwarming moment|s}} too, as one Christmas, Bucky gives Satchel a present (at Rob's insistence): a photo of the two of them, displayed in a frame with "best friends" engraved on it. Satchel is overcome with emotion.
-->'''Satchel:''' I promised myself I wouldn't cry.
-->'''Bucky:''' I promised myself I wouldn't ''let you'' cry.
* Satchel asks Rob for another advance in his allowance to start a magazine subscription, but since he's asked for numerous advances before, Rob tells him anymore and he'll have to go to work.
-->'''Satchel:''' WORK?! ME?! I CAN'T GO TO WORK! I'M TOO PRETTY!!!
-->'''Rob:''' Satchel, you're confusing work for ''prison''.
-->'''Bucky:''' And you're not pretty.
* One strip in which the Wilco clan has finished dinner.
-->'''Satchel:''' Mmm! That was a good dinner!
-->'''Rob:''' (Holding his stomach) Yeah, but I'm not feeling too good. That sandwich didn't agree with me.
-->'''Bucky:''' Man, you can't be taking no jive from food, you need to show that hoagie who's boss!
-->'''Rob:''' (Silence)
-->'''Bucky:''' I mean, it sounds like you're ''afraid'' of this sandwich, and that's just sad.